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I'd like help in creating a new Monkey Island site!

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I saw the "demise" of the scumm bar, and was devastated, like many others. Even though they are now going to return, I still was motivated to create my very own Monkey Island site. Ya know, the basics. I was thinking of using fusion news (a php news posting program), maybe throw a shoutbox in, and use yabbse or something for the forum. I can handle all the web design stuff, but I'll need people to help me get off the ground. I need someone who is good artistically, and maybe someone else who knows about web design too. News posters would also be welcome.


If you're interested, or have any questions, either email me at josh@zcomplex.com, or IM me at zcomplexjosh. You could also PM me.


I basically would have as much space and bandwidth as I want, since my friend has a server w/ an 80 GB HD. You'd get your own email @whatever domain name we decide to use. Just let me know, please

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No offence but the 'market' for MI sites is already pretty saturated. Even very good sites like MILegend dont get the readership they deserve. You're better off doing something original that people will visit rather than create another generic mi site.

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