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Blizzard Co-Founders Leave!

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Blegh, Diablo.


Light-weight hack-n-slash.


What we really want is the great GBA ports of their old games, from when they made fun games, and hadn't established their massive licenses like WarCraft and such. I'm talking Rock 'n Roll Racing, Blackthorne and Lost Vikings, baby yeah!

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I think they're downplaying it a lot. Bill Roper worked on nearly all the Blizzard titles. It's not just "Diablo-oh-and-this-expansion-pack". This is a huge talent loss for Blizzard and I hope they'll recover. Maybe they won't, as it's not the first departure they've had. Earlier on, a bunch of people left to form Arena.net, and Chris en Ron Millar went to Jaleco Entertainment.


BigJKO, you are aware that they just released Vikings to the GBA, right? :p


Edit: check this out http://www.gamespot.com/pc/news/news_6030892.html

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Originally posted by Crunchy in milk

Hard to file them against a company that doesn't exist yet :)

wha? usually they make you sign a non-compete on employment. i guess being the founders helps them avoid that, though.

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I would also say that this is a big loss for Blizzard. They have made many great games over the years but I'm, unfortunally, slowly starting to believe that that time is over. :(


Vivendi Universal will have an even harder time than before selling their game division, that's for sure.

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Originally posted by Mattsius

I would also say that this is a big loss for Blizzard. They have made many great games over the years but I'm, unfortunally, slowly starting to believe that that time is over. :(


What even suggests this to you? What games have they released that where below par? Their titles in development have got fans drooling and suddenly a couple of shirts leave and its 'omg blizzard is going suck!'


What do you mean by 'that time is over'?

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Okay, let me put it like this: The resent games from Blizzard haven't been any worse than the earlier ones, but the "couple of shirts" that has left Blizzard were important to the company and it will probably show in the future games from Blizzard.


The sale of Vivendi Universals game division is probably affecting the game development in a negative way and after that very same sale has been made (if it ever happens) it might very well cause problems such as disagreements with the new owners and internal problems in Blizzard.


It's a fact that when one or many important persons has left a gaming company it oftens goes downwords after that. Examples of this is Bullfrog, LucasArts, Origin and Microprose.

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How do you mean their situations where very different?

I just said that it's bad when one or many important persons leave a gaming company. You can't disagree to that, can you?


I mean, Bullfrog lost Peter Molyneux, LucasArts lost Ron Gilbert and Tim Schafer among others, Origin lost Richard Garriot and Chris Roberts and Microprose lost Sid Meier, Brian Reynolds, Bruce Shelley and Andy Hollis.

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Origin where in the toilet long before Richard left. His grand impact on Lineage, where he hooked up with NC soft to make an NC Austin 'branch' after leaving Origin?


Sweet @#$% all. To this day the game is still a poor mirror of the Korean version. A local content server was released earlier this year, and contains only minor allowed changes to game items and some rule changes (legal restrictions). Richard has nothing to do with it. His previous online game (also very little creative input beyond launch), Ultima Online, still out

performs lineage in the US market, long after the messiah (bloody prat more like it) left.



What title is Bullfrog best known for? Syndicate? Dungeon Keeper? Come on it has nothing like the library of games under Blizzard's belt. It went in the toilet just like origin by signing up with Electronic Arse @#$%er.


I thoroughly enjoyed the Jedi Knight series on PC, The Emperors Tomb was pure gold to me, I've got a new Sam 'n max, Full Throttle, and Knights Of The Old Tepublic to look forward to. Not to mention Galaxies is ripe with potential.


I enjoyed Civilzation 2, and a couple of the early Sim Cities, but the novelty wore off. Not so for millions of other people I guess.


If Blizzard gets sold to Electronic Arts, then yes... I'll man the life boats with you, otherwise I'll wait and see before jumping overboard.

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