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A wee question....


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Throughout my whole (short) Monkey Island career, I have heard hundreds of different theories of what the Secret of Monkey Island really is. Many of these have been spectacular; using facts and evidence that I could never imagine putting together. When I read these particular theories, I am usually convinced. There is just one question I have...and that would be.....


Why has no one ever considered the Catacombs beneath Monkey Island to be the Secret of Monkey Island? I'm sure that, even though this game be wonderfully ridiculous, not every island had a giant layer of Catacombs webbing out beneath it. It is a very secret, scarcely known place, is secretly (and oddly) hidden, and not many people can navigate through. It seems like it was made to be the obvious Secret of MI, though many will think otherwise.


Digging so deep into the facts and our own ideas, I think some of us overlook the obvious. It is very likely that someone will come out and tell me a perfectly exceptable reason for this not to be the real Secret, but from all of the searching around for an answer, I have not found one.

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first of all:


The Secret of Monkey Island is a GAMETITLE.


When the name was given noone knew that there will be sequels and how many.


So "the secret of monkey island" doesnt concern the story. Thats what i think. There is no real secret. It is the first part of the quadrology ..


And now we have 4 MI Games, and 4 stories.


It is interresting to look how these stories fit together in one line.


That it is the MI-Universe..

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Saying that there is no Secret to Monkey island is like saying in "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones," there is no reason for clones, or any evidence that there are any clones. The title for something usually has something to do with the story.


In MI2, was there Revenge for LeChuck? Yep.

In MI3, was there a curse? Yep.

In MI4, did Guybrush escape from Monkey Island? Yep.


Therefore, I see no reason that there would be no Secret of Monkey Island.


Still wondering if anyone has any answers to the (way) above question.....

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no such discuss ..


but in starwars return of the yedi it isnt all about returning yedis.


in fact the dont return like: Hi, we're back.


So in MI1 there is no Hey, thats the secret.

It is just named like this to bring you in de mood.. ye know? By every click you get deeper into it.. The secret contains the voodoospell you have to use to get to MI and so on.


Thats just what i think.


Feel free to see as much or less as you want. But dont say.. If they make a sequel then they should say emi never happened or some like CMI must be cut out the series.. It happened coz we all played it.



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Originally posted by RemiO

This has been discussed to death before, and the "secret" has been confirmed by Bill Tiller and Tim Schafer and what not in another thread. Let's not go there again. ¬


Where was it confirmed?


And, while I'll admit I don't know much about these matters, did Bill Tiller even work on the first Monkey Island?

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Originally posted by Carl Shutt

Where was it confirmed?


And, while I'll admit I don't know much about these matters, did Bill Tiller even work on the first Monkey Island?


Tiller confirmed it "publicly" in the BSBC interview. He didn't work on the first two MI games, though Larry Ahern (CMI lead) was an artist on MI2 and was quoted as one source. Dave Grossman (MI1 & 2 designer) was another I believe. Besides, it's not like it's all a big hush-hush secret that only three ex-people from LEC knows about.

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Originally posted by RayJones



no such discuss ..


but in starwars return of the yedi it isnt all about returning yedis.


in fact the dont return like: Hi, we're back.


the whole point of ROTJ was that once the empire was defeated, Jedi's could be trained again and they could return as the protectors of the worlds. They're all killed in Ep3 and then have a chance to come back in ep6. gettit?


And Tiller may not have worked on the first two, but he does work for a company which would be closer to the truth than any of you and did of course get the tiniest bit of feedback from the previous 3, they couldn't have simply carried on without a forenote or something (of course it's not as if they were consulted throughout production, but maybe there was a tiny explanation pointed towards Tiller).

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The tittle of one of the cutscenes in EMI is "the REAL secret of Monkey Island" about the giant Robot Statue. Although I'm pretty shure the Catacombs in MI1 were probably meant to be the secret.


so what exactly did Bill Tiller say ? out of interest


as for the Star Wars thing, I couldnt care less!:p

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Basically, Guybrush is a little boy lost in an amusement park with an overactive imagination, and I just know I'm gonna start something off now which will lead into a huge argument most probably including SamNMax.

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

I just know I'm gonna start something off now which will lead into a huge argument most probably including SamNMax.


No, no. S'alright. I don't care about what other people say about that anymore. Anyway, I don't think Lucasarts meant that the REAL Secret of Monkey Island is the Ultimate Insult. Not the Monkey Robot. See, the Ultimate Insult makes the victum take orders from it's posseser. Guybrush wanted a way home when he made the Ultimate Insult, so he got a way home from the Monkey Head.

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