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According to Amazon.Co.Uk

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The date for the release of JA has been moved to September 5th for the UK on PC, previously I mentioned that it was 19th of September, this looks really promising that it will be out in September, and not in November. I actually think September would be a good release date as this time we know that Jedi Academy won't be rushed however, I always did feel that Outcast looked a little rushed in places, with such elements as some levels were quite lazily done, the small amount of models, however Academy seems to be alot more how shall I put it plentiful.


However Amazon.Com (for the USA) states they will be out a few weeks later.


However this makes me believe that it is most likely that September will be its release date.

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You cant' believe a word amazon says :p

they were 2 months off with jk2 but this time i do sense they are close :)

Still, there's no official date so it's looked down on to speculate. (Hey, hey that Rhymes!!)

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Originally posted by StormHammer

As I said in the last thread...you can't go by Amazon or anyone else. Until an official release date is confirmed by the developer/publisher, it's all just hokey religions, tricks and nonsense. :)



Yeah I know that I wouldn't ever trust Amazon completely, I'm not going yay it will be out in September, however this gives better authority that it will be out in September, rather than having to wait a whole 2 more months.

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Originally posted by txa1265

Let me just put it to you this way ...


My wife pre-ordered ObiWan for the PC and Duke Nukem Forever back in the fall of 2000.


From Amazon.




Haha that's great, I wonder if they will send you DNF when it's done :D

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Haha that's great, I wonder if they will send you DNF when it's done :D


You know, I still really want that game, but can't for the life of me remember why anymore ... ;)


But there does seem to be a general September buzz going at the various 'release' sites. We'll see.



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Didn't Elite Force come out in the UK a few days before the US?


I checked out tothegame.com, and they have it as 05-Sept for the UK as well.


I have no idea where they get these dates ... but I wouldn't be displeased if they were correct - unless it meant rushing it out the door, of course.



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Originally posted by BawBag 2

Thers only one peculiar thing, a release date in the U.K that is before a release date in the U.S. That just seems odd to me...:confused:


Why, do you have a monopoly on getting games in the US first? ;):p


There have been a few titles released elsewhere prior to the US. So what? It's not peculiar to me. :)


And I think Mike's right...EF might have hit the UK first. JO wasn't too shoddy either...


As long as JA is released within a week across the 'pond' I don't see a problem. It's when games are released a few months later in another country that some players find themselves at a slight disadvantage.


And Mike...I totally agree about this September buzz. Some games seem to have been scheduled for September release, while others have slipped enough they're now going to be released around that time as well. I'm waiting for quite a few games, and it looks like I'm going to have to make hard choices which I get first. JA will definitely be one of them. Deus Ex 2 and Half-Life 2 definitely another two...


I too hope that JA is released ASAP...but not at the expense of some extra spit and polish. Let's hope the SP at least is as bug-free as possible this time. :cool:

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Nonono, we want mp to be bug free this time mr. 56ker :D (Yes, i was once one too, but i still played mp)

The only bug i ever found in jk2 SP was the mirror thingy where dessann appeared behind you but if you went into 1ST person you couldn't see the rest of your body :D

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

Nonono, we want mp to be bug free this time mr. 56ker :D (Yes, i was once one too, but i still played mp)

The only bug i ever found in jk2 SP was the mirror thingy where dessann appeared behind you but if you went into 1ST person you couldn't see the rest of your body :D


Hehe...didn't mean to exclude the MP side of things. I still try and play online too occasionally. ;)


But I bought the game mostly for SP, and when I encountered the Lando bug, and the two-Kyles bug, and the save game bug, I was a bit disappointed. The Lando bug especially was a real show-stopper, because it was not an obvious bug, but prevented you from completing the game. I literally spent a few hours going all the way around that level over and over trying to find something I thought I'd missed...but it turned out to be simply Lando not getting on the ship when he should have so that he could tell you to do what you had already figured out needed doing...


So I certainly hope JA is play-tested to hell and back before released, and if that means a month's delay, I'd rather have that than my enjoyment of the game spoiled.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

But I bought the game mostly for SP, and when I encountered the Lando bug, and the two-Kyles bug, and the save game bug, I was a bit disappointed.


The good thing (for the game, obviously not for you) was that more people had no apparent bug issues than had any of the bugs you mention. I've played it on 6 different computers - 3 PC laptops, 2 Mac laptops and a PC desktop - running 3 OS (Win2k, WinXP and Mac OS X) and never encountered a single problem.


So I certainly hope JA is play-tested to hell and back before released, and if that means a month's delay, I'd rather have that than my enjoyment of the game spoiled.


Absolutely agree. While people might be more forgiving of HL2 or Doom3 having bugs that need patching after release based on the newness of their technology (who am I kidding, they'll have patches, but noone will forgive them ;) ), with the maturity of the Q3TA engine and Raven's extensive experience with it, no one will - or should - forgive them putting out a buggy game.



As for release dates - US game releases are on Tuesdays, just like music CD's. Apparently UK is on Friday. So a 'same release' date in US and UK would have UK on Sept 5th and US on either the 2nd or 9th.


... yeah, Stormhammer - lots of cool stuff coming this fall / winter: I'm glad I set aside a few hundred $$ - JA, HL2, DX2, KOTOR, Doom3 ... not to mention EF2, Tron 2.0, MoH:Breakthrough and Pacific Assault ... and who knows what else.


I still wonder what the 'sweet spot' is for JA. It is a crowded season, so getting proper 'mind share' will take a good release - just like movies, it isn't just the product qualitty, it is timing and marketing. Perhaps Sept 5th will get it into people's hands early enough that it will make an impression through the fall barrage ... after that you would actually want to hold it a while, to let HL2 die down a bit from initial release.



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The only reason I commented on a U.K. (or European for that matter) release date prior to a U.S. one was because everything seems to be brought out stateside first. Plus i'm only an avid game fan and don't follow stuff like this too much.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

heh at least I'm not the only person waiting for DNF to ship...


I used to be so pumped about that game ... now I don't even have high hopes for it anymore. Oh well, I liked Serious Sam as a nice blast 'em with 'duke-like' talk.


Boy I remember my wife didn't like the visuals of that game AT ALL. Looking at it now ...



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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

well a German game mag got the scoop on JA before any U.S. publications did...


Very true.


I think that there is a combination of both companies (Raven/LEC) being US-based, the (as BowBag 2 said) usual delivery of games and movies to US first, and a certain amount of myopic arrogance that presumes US first for everything (remember I'm saying this from the US - it is not an insult, just an underlying assumption and presumption of our culture).



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I still hope DNF is going to rock, but I fear the worst :( The developers said 'Don't look at those old screenshots, it's way different now', but why don't they release new screens?? It's impossible for a game with a f*cking licensed engine to take that long!! OK they switched engine a couple of times, but still... I hate them for not giving the great number of loyal fans ANY info at all!!

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Originally posted by HertogJan

I hate them for not giving the great number of loyal fans ANY info at all!!


See, that's the thing, isn't it. There is a decent size set of hardcore gamers who loved Duke when it came out, or sometime since. Remember that the world of games was much smaller then - I doubt that the whole PC Gaming industry sold in 1996 what Enter The Matrix will this year. So of that core group, you have lost some, maybe picked up a few - but seriously, try taking a look at Duke 3D as a 'new' game ... the appeal isn't lasting as anything but a part of history. So you have probably tens of thousands of fans left. Still better than many games, but they will have to come out with something better than just about anything out in order to impress even us hardcore fans, let alone the general market. Of course, WE will buy it as soon as it is out ... even if it is crap - just because we've waited so long.



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