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What you want in Trailer 2

Obi-Wan X

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What exactly do you hope will be shown in the next trailer released? What do you feel SHOULD be shown?


I would hope to see te following.



- Rag Doll Physics : There seems to be a lot of question as to if this will actually even be used in JA. If it's in, then please, show it in action, if not, then just state that it simply won't be in.



- Considerable amounts of Vehicle Footage : The Taun Taun was pretty good, looked to have fluent motion and actually looked convincing imo. Unlike the ATST, I thought the ATST was quite...well, crap. It was frustrating and I felt like I was moving pixels and rusty models around the screen. I didn't feel like I was driving a vehicle at all to be honest, not to mention I felt quite closed in.


It seems that they've gotten considerably better with vehicles in JA from what we've seen from the trailer as I said before, but we've had news of a swoop bike being available for JA ( sorry if thats the wrong thing). It would be nice to see this thing in action, seeing if it flows smoothly, is convincing, etc, and we could also get a glimpse of maybe a track or a huge sized area for driving.




- New Weapon Footage : We've heard news of a CONC in JA. I think we really need to see that in action if possible.



- Multiplayer Action : Considerable amounts of multiplayer footage would be good. Could get some speculation going as far as what JA multiplayer will be like.




Anything else anyone would like to add?

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Excellent points about Siege mode. I hope they have a pretty long bit of footage, like Half Life 2, showing off a lot of things.


I also agree, I want this to be a lot different than JO. In the last trailer they have shown pretty much the same gameplay as JO. While they've shown some new features, it still looks like an expansion imo.


So go for broke and show us all with JA has to offer.

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I don't really want another trailer, to be honest. I especially don't want one with 20 minutes of footage. I remember when I first played Jedi Knight, I just tried the demo level first (the fueling station), and then got the game. Prior to that I'd seen a few early screenshots. And I have to say I enjoyed the game a lot more for not knowing what was in it.


I've seen loads of screenshots, an official trailer and a dodgy shaky cam of Jedi Academy, and I know I'm going to like the game based on what I've seen, and the information I've read.


I just don't see the need for these really long trailers showing you half the game, half the enemies, etc., because it must spoil the final effect when you play the full game.


I know I felt that way with Unreal 2, as well. I really kept my finger on the pulse with that game, and scrutinised every screenshot, and watched the trailers...and I was ultimately disappointed when I played the final game. No matter how much you see, or think you see, it just doesn't really compare to playing the game. Devastation...New World Order...Chaser...all were on my Wanted List until I played the demos, and I decided they weren't for me.


So if anything...give me a short demo of JA closer to release so I can try part of a mission myself, which would give me a good feel for the controls, while not revealing too much of the game... :)

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I'd like to see some saber, double bladed saber and dual saber action from 1st person perspective. I'm a great fan of this POV, I hope this time you will be able in MP and in SP to perform every move you can do from 3rd person (rolls, special moves, kicks...)

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Apart from seeing naked ladies...


I'd prefer that they show some of the features, but not really focus on gameplay. It is so hard to get a feel for a game from a trailer. Like the first trailer, if the player is just button mashing, everyone gets the impression that that is what the game will play like.

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I'd like more LucasArts "gold man" action. Maybe this time he could be assaulted by a competing companies logo guy and respond by cleaving him/her in half. :p


I agree with anyone who wanted physics demonstrated. Just a few seconds of a Storm Trooper having his arm cut off and slumping over some rails. Or something.


Some of the weapons available. Not all. I don't want to see the whole game in the trailer, just a few new things quite to make me drool.


Definitely a few multiplayer shots.


Thanks, that'd be nice :)

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I agree somewhat about the trailer issue. Though in regards to JA, I think another trailer is needed. I simply didn't see features that were alot different than JO. I want to see something that merit a purchase from me.



We saw some attacks and a vehicle. But we really didn't see the key things we really needed to know about JA. I do believe there should be a second trailer, and it should show the things that are completely unknown.


I am getting tired of hearing interviews that just rehash the same information over and over again. I want some solid new information.

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Originally posted by praenuntius

I'd like more LucasArts "gold man" action. Maybe this time he could be assaulted by a competing companies logo guy and respond by cleaving him/her in half. :p

And all the while the competing companies logos are calling Gold Man "newb" and "lamer" :D
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I don't want another trailer, personally. If I had to choose, I'd want a demo. One SP mission, one MP map, with the MP map treated as "full"...that is, everything from the full game in the MP map - I'm itching to try the different blades, and the mods I've been trying out just aren't cutting it anymore.

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Yolk... :D


Blademaster...the game's going to be released in four weeks. It's unlikely (although I hope I'm wrong) that there's going to be another trailer. Living in England, I don't get the same information as you guys, but over here, at least, there haven't been any advertisements about it, and the only people who -know- about the game are the gaming magazines and fans of Star Wars and/or the DF series. Now, like I said, I don't hear the same things you do, and for all I know, you have TV adverts on the game every hour, on the hour, every day. hell, for all I know, US Big Brother may have slipped the housemates the game ahead of schedule for Product Placement.


Is there going to be another trailer? Possibly.

Do any of us know about it? Possibly.

Do i know that there's going to be another trailer? No.

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Blade...don't sweat it, I can understand where you're coming from.


It gets released in the UK a few weeks before it does in the US...I'll gloat about that at the end of the post, don't worry about that. However, I have a friend at a local video store, who says they're actually getting it mid August, as a rental copy. Beats me why the UK shippers would do anything that stupid, but I don't mind at all!


Not that I condone, or in any way support illegal copies of games, you understand. So, when I say "it comes out", I mean "I can get a hold of it".


And now...for the gloating.




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