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where can you find metal?


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im searching for metal so i can build weapons and i have no idea where i can find metal. Can someone please tell me where i can find it so i can build these things and get myself rolling in the game because im stuck in one play and i dont have enough money to travel.

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Well, you either need to go out surveying or you need to buy it on the market.


A lot of the larger PAs are sucking up the resources. I for a fact know that between KOTA (Knight of the Alliance), TiO (The Imperial Order and Dark Sovereignty there is a field that eats up almost all of the resources around Tyrena. I do mean a field. SOmewhere in the area of 75 harvesters.


Best places to look are normally the quieter areas, like Wayfar, Tatooine or Duer Gueffel, Corellia.

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Originally posted by zombiedigger

get a mineral survey tool.


Yep exactly. Get a mineral survey tool and open it up. On the right hand side you will see a tree with various "minerals" to select from.


Choose the mineral you want to find and click the "survey" button. You will see a topographical map on the left-hand side. AS soon as you hit the "survey" button, that map will be overlayed with percentages. That is the "percent concentration" of the mineral you selected.


Here's a trick: Click the "survey" button. a waypoint will be set to the closest, strongest concentration of the mineral you selected. If that point is less than 80%, run to the point and click "survey" again. A new waypoint will be set to a place with a (hopefully) higher concentration. Run to that spot and repeat. Once you find a concentration above 80%, you simply stop at that spot and click on "sample resource".


The reason for the 80% is so that your success rate will be high enough to warrant staying there and surveying.

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Oh sure it MIGHT work that way...but I'm about to go nuts because they just shifted around the resources on my server in Corellia...I was searching for one of the new metals they added and found an 88% deposit just a small ways outside Tyrenia...when I got down to sample it...it said there wasn't a large enough trace to get a sample...I have survey IV. Needless to say I started pulling out my hairs...then I went off looking for Fiberplast and found that IT TOO was nonexistant...THIS TIME in a deposit of 93% that was ALSO just outside the city gates! *bashes head* What's a Tailor suposed to do without any Fiberplast?



good game :D

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On the issue of being in a 80% field and not being able to sample...I've had that too. Strange thing is I had a wierd idea..Since I make my own harvesters and had an ample supply I plopped one down and started it harvesting. Guess what..I started harvesting the resource that I couldn't.


So, if you have extra harvesters you might try this.

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