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Bush's approval rating at LF


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STTCT please dont get brainwashed by this politicition...


He called Iran [EVIL! Ok that isnt a very educated statement there... Iran is one of the most well off middle eastern country after kuwait and maybe Saudi Arabia. Iran gives PLENTY of rights to women. Covering your hair isnt a lack of right its actually a great idea if you think about it. If men dont judge women by there bodies what would the world be like?


Iran does need reform though. The hard-liners have way to much control for a minority. But this is just as any other country's governement (i.e. USA) where the people are beggining to see faults...


(that's just one fault he made....)

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If the US are clever, they'll stay out of Iran. Iranian students are already rebelling against the government, and a full-scale revolt doesn't seem unlikely. This is what should have happened in Iraq. If Iraqis wanted to get rid of Saddam, the Iraqis should have started a revolution, not the Americans. Unless most Iraqis didn't want to get rid of him...


Also, don't forget that according to Bush, Cuba is also one of the most dangerous and evil countries in the world. Fear the Cubans!

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Unless I read the article wrong, Cuba recently jammed US-based programming to Iran. That's pretty suspicious, though I'm certainly not advocating retaliation.


Gore was way too family-values oriented. Something tells me his response to the WTC attack would have been Hands Across America: The Remix.

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