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new ff/so duel styles


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Can someone explain to me how the invisible kick style works that is used alot by raec and livingabortion?


Also for temple I keep meeting up with these euro's who never get close. Im faster than them by far but they always seem to find a way to slow me down while continueing their lv2 stuff. I usually win but it takes a long while because even if I get close my ping is 180+ which means I have to resort to drain and gk. Will pull throwing accross temple work?

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

Can someone explain to me how the invisible kick style works that is used alot by raec and livingabortion?




Well I have never seen those players, but I do what I call the "mindkick". While using mindtrick any agressive action you take ie, swinging the sabre, pushing, pulling will turn mindtrick off and make you visible. Also even if you don't swing the sabre and someone bumps it, off it goes. But if you turn your sabre off you can kick over and over again till you run out of force.


If your opponents don't have force seeing activated, you can kick you 5 or 6 times without becoming visible.


You will be hated if you do this alot. :p


P.S. here is a fun one, using full mindtrick connect to a ff sabre only game. Turn the sabre off and go invisible. Find the worst player in the game, follow them around and kick everybody they fight with. Sometimes neither one realizes whats going on and it's very funny. "DUDE how did you kick me from way over there?" "DUDE! I don't know :D"

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WHen I'm fighting full neutrals versus someone like pyro or reborn. I frequently get out neutraled in the end because they said that I use ptk too much which wastes force. So is it true to start off with a k and chain a pkpk or something after it?

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well even if you start with a k before ptk or any pk combo it's gonna suck out your force.


I guess it all depends and how fast force regen happens. I usually don't bother trying to conserve unless it's something like the Shock~full force saber only dudes. They have the force regen set so slow it's like watching paint dry.

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Originally posted by griff38

well even if you start with a k before ptk or any pk combo it's gonna suck out your force.


I guess it all depends and how fast force regen happens. I usually don't bother trying to conserve unless it's something like the Shock~full force saber only dudes. They have the force regen set so slow it's like watching paint dry.


if you consider playing competitively, then get used to 200 regen. that is default and required by all ladders

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

Can someone explain to me how the invisible kick style works that is used alot by raec and livingabortion?


I.e. the thing I made up (as a joke) against reborn way back to shut down his drain whoring and now everyone rips it off like it was their idea..


Don’t bother, it has a major flaw. If the person you are playing is using level 3 lightning you stand almost 0 chance with it.


The only person who ever got really good with it was shock ~ screed, but he's always played light in duels and knows how to stay alive as a light a lot better than the rest of the players trying this now.


The rest all do it wrong and are easy to beat. Although I doubt 1/2 of the current players could even figure out that you could sub points in saber offense or throw for the lightning @ 3 so chances are you won't see them using it...




I guess it all depends and how fast force regen happens. I usually don't bother trying to conserve unless it's something like the Shock~full force saber only dudes. They have the force regen set so slow it's like watching paint dry.


Our server runs all default base jk2 settings.


League and ladder play requires standard base regen time of 200 for full force matches. It may seem slow because most newbie servers lower it to 0 but I assure you that along with all damage cvars is pure base jk2 (we don't run any mods either) default.


The only two cvars we actually change are g_weapondisable 65531 and we disable pick up items.

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quick question..is there really any need to have higher than lvl1 saber throw for ff dueling? i mean i just ask this because i only use saber throw when the opponent is in pretty close proximity like knocked down from a kick, or in a ptk. i guess my question should be - are they any advantages to having higher than lvl 1 saber throw besides increased distance?

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Not only that but speed.


Higher level = faster spin and faster travel time.


Level 2 is what most use for dueling because unless you are into long rage pt's (like what he mentioned) it's more or less enough for close range.


Level 1 however is very slow and a lot of times if you score a knock down, throw and rush in for a follow up kick the throw won't make it in time if you are lower than level 2.

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I don't use pkt, I throw, pull then kick in a quick sequence... well...did. I didn't time my throws during a combo b/c there's no point and it wastes force. while moving or using force the saber continues to hover and stay live. With this concept it's easy to manipulate throws and kicks but myself and pho seemed to be the only 2 ppl to ever really notice or... care. The windmill is the use of the lvl 3 saber throw gliche to do a continuous ptk against an opponent. It's pretty difficult, actually. Basically you have to do a side ptk then move the mouse to the right so you turn 180 degrees; while turning, hit ms 1 while still holding ms 2 and continue to turn. Immediately follow with a side kick and the saber should begin to spin vertically around you and, if against a wall/ in a corner/ on a slope, you won't take any force animation. This is essentially the ultimate gliched/timed move. And, unless you fight someone that likes to hover around walls, it's difficult to successfully launch. When I have suckered a few "elites" into it, by the time I start to the time the match is over about 3-4 seconds have gone by.


wow , I've never seen anyone not even swift use that.


Throw pull kick isn’t that the same thing then as doing a quick ptk at the same time.


phoenix is extrmeley good at drain war and pure kicking

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:confused: :confused: :confused:


kynes when did you play pho?


He was long gone before any of the current ff duelers came on the scene.


Last time he was active was like October of 2002.


Also there is another "phoenix" as in the final fantasy 8 name guy (day/night) you may be mixing him up with.


That is not the same pho we are talking about.


The ff8 guy/day/night/bar code guy/whatever his name is now and raec were both recruited into SF at the same time and trained by crow and I.


The Phoenix that used to play light stance only (and the guy I jacked the lunge whore style from) was inactive when those two first came in as newbies.

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lol we didn't hate him, mal did.


Actually he and break got kicked the same night over a silly fight because mal was too much of a nazi to just stfu and let them work it out.



But yeah he was a damn good kicker.


I would say about 80% of the way I play is patterned after him.

He was the only 1.04 dueler to even try playing light stance only, and between the kicks and the lunges he was hard as hell to beat in a drain game.

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Originally posted by b_df

I had one of ultra windmill domination against imp but... somehow, it got deleted. Actually... I can't find any of the demos I had recorded. I'll dust off my copy of jko and get uj to record one though....





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I do it on accident now and then. It actually gets on my nerves because I'm trying to follow up with something and my saber seems to want to stay spinning.


Getting it to rotate is the easy part, or maybe it’s just the way I do mine, not sure.


The hard part (for me) is the follow up where you inflict kick damage and the saber contacts them as well simultaneously.

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