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Non linier or linier ???


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As we all have heard, JA single player will be played out in a non lineir type of game play, which means you may chose the missions you would like to go to first. I personally love this addition because it give you the choice on how the game imersces you. But will it be tacken too far as to mack you think you are just playing a mindless "go in and kill" and the n select another mission and do it all over again? I have no idea, but I could sure use your thoughts on the situation.



Also, if there is a story at all, I was wondering if they could get some new actors to do the voices. I don't think I'm alone when I say that JO's voice overs sucked. I just don't feel imersced in a game if they damn characters sound stupid when they are supposed to be serious. Not saying that the movies had that great of acting but, we cant save them. I just hope JA is better with the story.

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Well, it has a story ;) though the non-linear way will be hard to make :p

As far as I know, you discover a mysterious cult and Luke sends you out to find out stuff. IMO probably some guys in that MOTS place have something to do with the dark forces anmd you end up crossing sith, then the story will probably get gonig from there :)

Personally i had no problem with the voice overs in JK2 except kyle because i was so used to Jason blabla (jk1 guy)

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Originally posted by Emon

Cult? What the hell are you talking about?


From the fact sheet -


Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy has the player assume the role of a Jedi apprentice of his or her own creation. The apprentice joins the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4 fourteen years after the events of A New Hope in order to learn the ways of the Force. Since Luke Skywalker believes in training by doing, he sends the young apprentice on missions to hone his or her skills. During this time, a mysterious cult emerges to threaten the galaxy, and the Academy is tasked with finding out who they are and what they are doing…


Notice cult is mentioned once :p

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"Non-linear" gameplay will still allow for good story telling. JA will actually only be partially non-linear. The non-linear missions will be arranged in linear groups, so i'm guessing that major story events will occur when you finish a set of missions, and then you'll be presented with the next group.

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I agree with you in that there should be better level design. More areas that you might not have to go through to finish a level would make it more like we had a choice. And there should be more secret areas with bonus rewards for finding some or all of them (like an extra force power, more powerful weapon, ammo or an item).

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You don't have to sacrifice story at the expense of non-linearity. True non-linearity is more of an unachievable goal anyway, and most games simply fake it by offering you more choices, both in terms of level design, and in terms of gameplay. There's nothing wrong with that, and I certainly hope JA takes this on board a lot more. While the mission selection itself will improve the feeling of non-linearity, there is still a question-mark over the actual level design.


I'm encouraged by what I've read in some of the articles, which seemed to suggest a more open feel to some levels, and less of the linear design seen in many of JO's levels. If they can incorporate multiple pathways and/or choices in how to tackle particular obstacles, then that will obviously increase the replay factor. The game that always seems to come to mind in these terms is Deus Ex, where you could select a different pathway, or a different way to tackle a security system (or other obstacle). I don't expect the level of complexity exhibited by DE (unfortunately), but if they can increase your choices while playing a level, and not force you to take one route with it's preset obstacles and enemies every time, then it should be better than JO.


The story will always be linear...that's the nature of stories...but even that can be overcome to a certain extent by adding lots of 'branching nodes', where a particular choice at a key moment will determine a change in gameplay from that point forward. So far we know that the story will branch somewhere when you are given a choice between the light side and dark side of the Force. I'm glad to see that gameplay mechanic make it's way back in, because it was one thing I really liked about JK. It's unfortunate the moral code of play won't influence which side of the Force you decide to take, however, but only the Force powers you choose.

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