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Cutting patches


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I'm having some trouble with cutting some patches. I basically have a curved wall that I formed from making a 3x3 patch and connecting it to two other walls on each end. I thickened it, and moved the vertices up so it would match the height of the walls. My problem is, when I select the patch that I thickened, and try to clip it (I did Shift+enter, enter, and just shift and clicked), it says deselecting patch for operation. And I'm basically trying to cut a slit into the wall, but it won't let me. My question is how do I do that? Or what would be an easier method of creating a curved wall that's solid and cutting it? Thanks.



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Originally posted by Emon

Probably doesn't matter. Before thicken is less work.


Thats only if it thikens in the right direction:( I have made countless patches and thinkened them only to discover it thikened in the wrong direction so i end up resizing stuff. but yeah in the long run thinkening after geting it the way u want ti seems to be quicker. (of course(sp?) I ussually just make my own thikened patches instead of ussing the sortcut way:D)

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