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To Get...Or Not to get...?


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Yay, you're back... but it's mid-summer :S

Why you have DJG in your title is because of the inflation of ponits. Matt went a bit loopy a couple of million points out to people. Some people thoguht it wasp retty funny to dchange enveryone's title to different things :p


On the postal 2 case i have heard it's a bad game but i dunno, it might suit your tastes :).


PS: You have a pm

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Originally posted by Acrylic

Should I get Postal 2? I tryed the demo, and I REALLY like it, so....should I? :)


EDIT- And, why does it say DJG for my custom title? :(



Hey AG.



I played the demo too and I had a blast! It's the reason parents and Politicans hate video games, lol. I thought it was fun and I'm going to get it if it's not to expensive ($50 = forget it!, $40 = maybe). :D



Plus you get to kill Gary Coleman! "what-chu talkin bout Willis?!"



EDIT: It runs on the Unreal II engine.

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