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Half Life 2 ???


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Originally posted by RoguePhotonic

Good looking textures?...are you kidding....even in the new CS coming out the textures look horrible....


Try playing any other mod then :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Mostly just gray levels, that are supposed to be some kind of 'military base' :rolleyes: The villages in CS look pretty realistic, especially if you realize the engine is the QUAKE I ENGINE FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!! Oh well, a heavily modifies Quake I engine anywayz :p

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Originally posted by Lunatic Jedi

HL2 is going to absolutely pwn everything else, plain and simple. I've seen the 500MB video, and all I can say about it is that it should come complete with an extra set of underpants for afterwards. Sure, its got a hell of a lot going for it graphically, but its biggest selling point is the physics.


If it can be knocked over, picked up, pushed, pulled, thrown, or manipulated in any way whatsoever, you can guarantee you'll be able to do it.


Great stuff. :D


I am sure HL also said that this was possible too, and so have about a million other shooters, driving games, etc!!


Let's not hype it up so it's meant to be this thing to be worshipped, otherwise this same thread will be full of people saying it was a let down.....

I'll be realistic, I'll buy it on the strength of having played HL, and hope its a very good game to play, on both platforms...

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Tufkad has seen this movie, Tufkad thinks Half-Life II is going to rock. Tufkad loved Half-Life one.


Oh, and Tufkad says that the movie is 600MB, not 500. :)


Oh, and Tufkad says hi. Tufkad is new here.

:fett: (well new to this forum. Tufkad has posted a little bit in the "Star Wars" forum, not enough to be noticed (lucasforums not just the JKii ones..but Tufkad hasn't posted here yet.))

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Originally posted by Tufkad

Tufkad has seen this movie, Tufkad thinks Half-Life II is going to rock. Tufkad loved Half-Life one.


Oh, and Tufkad says that the movie is 600MB, not 500. :)


Oh, and Tufkad says hi. Tufkad is new here.

:fett: (well new to this forum. Tufkad has posted a little bit in the "Star Wars" forum, not enough to be noticed (lucasforums not just the JKii ones..but Tufkad hasn't posted here yet.))


Welcome here Tufkad, have a specially brewed Hertog Jan beer:




And yeah, HL2 is going to rock :)

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Originally posted by HertogJan

What about fast-paced SEMI-reaslistic gameplay?? No stamina bull****, no prone, no bland looking textures like in UT mods, no weird animations like in UT mods. The weapons have their own feel, you really get to know the weapons and they aren't all alike, like in several other games. The leveldesign is very good, good gameplay and the textures are better than in 90% of the other games :) And they are getting better and better.


The one problem with CS is that it doesn't promote teamwork. You can survive shots to the head, and as such is designed so that you have these "one-man armies" winning the game all by themselves. Why? Because as long as your reflexes are good enough, and you have the right weapon, you can take on the entire enemy team. Nowhere in the game is cooperation *required* - sure, it's fun and improves your chances, but a team is not required if you want to win. Again, this is because the weapons are so impotent that there's no risk of receiving a "lucky shot" from a headless newbie when flying solo.


And because the money system doesn't reward teamwork in the slightest (rather, it works against it as you get money from killing people all by yourself), this results in CS attracting primarily immature 12 y/o's.


Also, you have to learn outrageously farfetched techniques in order to gain the upper hand in the game: Bunny hopping and strafejumping because everyone knows you aim much better when jumping, and makes you travel faster. Not to mention the programmers thought it'd be realistic if you moved faster while holding a knife, with all your gear slapped onto your back weighing a little over a ton. Oh, and everyone knows rifles can shoot through several inches of reinforced concrete, real SWAT teams use that technique all the time.


And yes, the game looks like something my dog regurgitates after eating cat remains in the local sand box. If you want crisp, bright, colourful textures, you *should* in fact check out UT. The textures are incredibly detailed and use the full colour palette compared to the brown, red and grey of quake and certain half-life mods.


CS is a game you play with tension, but that is fast-paced at the same time :) /me loves CS :D


Hertog, that didn't make much sense. Try saying it out loud for yourself. And fast paced doesn't mean good either - plenty of games are fast paced and suck anyway.


Saying half-life is still insanely popular would be a lie - CS is popular. Its mods are popular. The original multiplayer sucked donkey c*ck. But then again, they provided a good, solid engine which many people thought would make good mods, so they did do something (though the original game design wasn't all that).


Oh, and as for half-life 2's physics, I must say I'm not impressed by the corpses "rubbery" nature - it's as if they weigh as much as a beach ball, and bounce as such. Put some more weight into them, dammit - UT2k3 did it nearly right, except their corpses slided about as if the floor was coated in jello.

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Headshot isn't lethal?? Sure, if you have a glock :rolleyes: All the other weapons are totally lethal, you should try aiming for the head too some time :p


Bunnyhopping and strafejumping?? Eh.. I dunno what BETA you've played, but since 1.2/1.3, you can't jump more than like 4 times in a row, each jump becoming slower and slower.


You're right about the knife running speed, but guess what; it's fixxed in 1.6... How's that for customer support eh? :)


And you're right too that the money system can be abused by ppl, so they only play for themselves. But hey, that's with every game, money system or not! The point is: you should find servers with nice ppl, whop work together, and use the already built in voicecommunication :) Heck, on the servers I play, you get a gun for free from a teammate if you ask it nicely.


There's a lot of ranting on the CS community, but the thing is, in UT2003 you also have those 12yr old lamers, who don't help teammates and try to cap the flag on their own. It all comes down to finding a good server :)


And I dunno what UT mod you've been playing, but Strike Force, Infiltration, Tactical Ops: they all look like crap. Sure the graphics are more 'polished', but the textures are crap, the leveldesign is mostly boring and omg the walking animations :eek: CS has pretty bad weapon models, but you can change that easily. The UT weapon models suck big time!!



And fast paced isn't neccesarily good, but it works out in CS. Of course you have to wait when you're dead, but there's a lot of games where that period is waaaay longer. America's army for example, but also, again, some UT mods :(


And no tension? OMG, you must've never felt the adrenaline pumping when you were the last around, and you killed 3 enemies in a row :) Or the great feeling when you just cleaned the house in cs_estate with excellent teamwork :)


I dunno what version of CS you played, but on the right servers, this game is sooo addicting. But of course; that's just my humble opinion. An opinion LOTS of ppl share btw ;)

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