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The RPG Newbies Strike Again


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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

Because what you did was pure idiocy assclown. You ran away, drain whore, ran away, drain whore, ran away drain whore. THATS not humiliating someone, that's just playing like a tool. Not once did you just fight, THAT is how you humiliate someone, not playing like a little bitch running away, drain whore, running away, drain whore.


And as far as SD beating FK, it never happened. 1) it was a little 2v2 unapproved by myself. 2) it was with non-tffa players. Hence it never happened, it wasn't SD vs FK, it was trick and media vs whoever. And I too saw the demo from it UJ, and it looked to me like they WERE using the TE script.


bah last one got deleted but anyway






by the WAY, need i REMIND YOU that the only kill you got was when you dfa'd me while my chat box was up?! need i REMIND you that you whined even AFTER i went all neutral? what did you whine again? oh yes, "STOP RUNNING AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN!111 OMG OMG OMG". that's EXACTLY like me going in a ctf match and crying about pull whores on streets or bespin. PLZ PLZ PLZ stfu. stop trying to impress the good people of this forum when you and i both know that you have exactly 0000000 credibility. i am not deriding your "1337 5K1772", btw, my point of contention is your so-called code of anti-rpg n00bness... it doesn't hold any water as far as i'm concerned, THAT'S my point. if i beat you 10-0 and you don't whine, i won't consider you a n00b; if i beat you 10-9 and you whine about drain/running/etc., ban me, etc. THEN i'll consider you a n00b. gg.

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Please Pyro, go back under the rock you crawled out from, I've earned all the credibility I need having played UT in CAL for 3 years, having led FK to a 7 month reign at the top of TWL TDM for jk2, and having built a clan that's now been around for a year. And try formulating proper sentence and paragraph structure, I didn't even bother reading the majority of your nonsense, as that's all it is, NONSENSE.


I don't suck at duel, you want to duel me with drain and heal disabled? I'd probably beat your ass. But when you run around the map hopping like a little fairy drain whoring, it's kind of pointless. You're not good, you have a style that whores and overpowered force and that's it. You do the same thing over and over and over and over. That doesn't make you good, that makes you a cowardly whore.


And as far as FK losing to SD, I'll say again UJ, it never happened. A) I did not play in it B) I did not know of it C) it wasn't anyone who would start in TFFA seeing as Trick sucks at TFFA and Media had just joined the clan and D) I DID NOT SCHEDULE IT.


And if us beating them 10-0 in CTF is like someone beating you 10-0 in NF duel then what's your point? We don't now, nor have we ever, practiced TFFA. Even when we beat SF in TWL we didn't practice for it. Our practice comes strictly from CTF, so your little analogy is irrelevant as we don't practice TFFA ourselves.


You also know damn well UJ, that if team energize wasn't in the game, there's few that would be able to handle our teamwork.

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

I prefer utterly humiliating someone to banning them.



Boy, do u know what hypocrisy is? You certainly should since you partake so much.


Assclown, did mom give you permission to stay up past your bedtime to come up with that one?


When you 1rst started posting I enjoyed your demos, but you have the self esteem of a cardboard box and count on this game WAY WAY to much to make your self feel better. This game should complement your life not be the center of it.




As far as I am concerned the only Humiliation in your thread is "self inflicted".



OH Great, now iam a Sith.

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Originally posted by griff38

Boy, do u know what hypocrisy is? You certainly should since you partake so much.


Assclown, did mom give you permission to stay up past your bedtime to come up with that one?


When you 1rst started posting I enjoyed your demos, but you have the self esteem of a cardboard box and count on this game WAY WAY to much to make your self feel better. This game should complement your life not be the center of it.




As far as I am concerned the only Humiliation in your thread is "self inflicted".



OH Great, now iam a Sith.


wtf are you talking about? you don't know me one iota, don't presume to know anything about me. And as far as my mother goes, she hasn't tucked me into bed in 20 years child, gg kthx now piss off.


As for you pyro, time and place, not sunday we have ctf tourney.

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

wtf are you talking about? you don't know me one iota, don't presume to know anything about me. And as far as my mother goes, she hasn't tucked me into bed in 20 years child, gg kthx now piss off.




I know alot about you, WAY more than I want since all you do is talk about yourself in this public forum. When you stand in a public place screaming how you own newbies and then bitch like a girl when someone disagrees, it makes you look small & petty.


Correct me if I am wrong but are you the same guy who has been banned from this forum before for talking loud and carrying a tiny stick? IE : THE FALLEN ONE?

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Who the hell is Griff? Consequently....who the hell is he to bash what Fallen has done in JK2? Bleh....hey Pyro, I'll take you up on the same thing you offered Fallen as well. That is a Duel, no drain, heal, lightning. I am ok in the drain whoring duels, but havn't really practiced it enough to own at it.

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Originally posted by [fk]mediablitz

Who the hell is Griff? Consequently....who the hell is he to bash what Fallen has done in JK2? Bleh....hey Pyro, I'll take you up on the same thing you offered Fallen as well. That is a Duel, no drain, heal, lightning. I am ok in the drain whoring duels, but havn't really practiced it enough to own at it.


sure media, i think we've done that before and matched up pretty well. i hope you're not taking this personally, this is just a problem i have with fallen's hypocrisy, not with fk in general. i'll be happy to match u 10 also.

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Well this never should have turned into a flame war so everyone just chill a little.


As for the match not happening, well man here is part two of the demo and there is not a player in jk2 who has faced or used that script more than myself and there is no way anyone who is experienced with it can watch this and say this is scripted te:





#1 like I said, the score. I don't care who the team is, even the most god like players in jk2 history will get beat 100- 0 against a team using it if they go in without it.


#2 the fact that you have people running around with force in reserve but not chaining when a guy in close proximity expends force.


#3 look at what sd did. you played a little of the {FotS} match before you guys called it off, what was the one thing that script allows a team to do that makes the game impossible to play?


unlimited drain.

sd didn't even mass drain your guys, they just did a few burst chains to regen for a team heal now and then.



No one is trying to poke fun at anyone, but a loss is a loss man.

Honestly I know you guys have been out of the teamffa scene since leaving twl but it really has evolved and changed a lot in the last 6 months.


The styles people use and the strategies are nothing like anything I ever saw on twl from any team.


99% of the teams on twl either were total noobs or like us, knew nothing about team based play because we never did it.


No joke bro, SF members had been in a server set to g_gametype 5 maybe 5/6 times *ever prior to when you faced us.


We had never had one single practice, scrim or strategy discussion. Hell none of us even wanted to play teamffa but Mal stuck us on the ladder so we had to play.


That’s not to knock any of your wins, you earned every one of them, I’m simply saying once the rest of these clans like us started really putting some effort into that game type a lot of things really changed and evolved.


I don’t know if spec ever told you what shockwave uses as a core strategy in teamffa but I dare say I never saw anyone even come up with anything as remotely complicated and effective as what he, myself and imp developed for us.

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The point, UJ, is that it WAS NOT A MATCH! PERIOD. It was an unofficial, unapproved scrim that I had ZERO CLUE about. Hence does NOT count as anything other than a random pub.


Griff are you in a clan? Have you ever competed in anything for real outside of pubs? No? You don't know me, end of discussion. And you're being an ******* hypocrite yourself so shut it and let it go.


EDIT: UJ, there are some things I'd like to run by you, swing by our IRC channel when you get the chance.

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

And as far as FK losing to SD, I'll say again UJ, it never happened.


I watched the demo. It did happen. A picture is worth a thousand words. The conditions you site as reason for it never happening sound like newbie complaints.


Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

Griff are you in a clan? Have you ever competed in anything for real outside of pubs? No? You don't know me, end of discussion. And you're being an ******* hypocrite yourself so shut it and let it go. [/b]


No. No clans for me. I don't have the time needed to be useful to a clan.


No I don't play anything real. I imagine scoring 700+ in ff guns ctf. I imagine getting 100 kills in 12 minutes on the Disruptor mod. I guess everytime I play, because it is on a "public" server not on a ladder or planned clan match its not real.



Hypocrisy is one of the banes of my life, if I was a hypocrite be specific, tell me how. If I was I will apologize.

And I can't shut up as long as you use this public place to spew, expect to get some back.

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

Griff are you in a clan? Have you ever competed in anything for real outside of pubs? No? You don't know me, end of discussion. And you're being an ******* hypocrite yourself so shut it and let it go.



... Because what you did was pure idiocy assclown.


Mr. Joshua

You have clearly violated forum rule #1 at least twice:


1. You cannot, in any way, insult (or "flame") someone else on the board. People may not be insulted just because their opinion differs from your own. Flaming includes calling people names, insulting them in any way or saying offensive things to them.


Consider yourself publicly warned.


Griff was pointing our your first violation with his metaphor suggesting you were behaving in a juvenile manner. To him, you directed the second.


Moreover, your posts are leaning more towards flames than anything, as are one or two other members. Please redirect this thread to a more peaceful and fun place to come or don't post :p


Also, you do realize that this is all over a game, right?

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Warn him too. His condescending tone and words are what sparked the thread to where it's gone, as did Pyro's. It was fine previous. He was in no way mentioned in this thread and stuck his head in, ONLY to incite, as he's done in other threads I've seen him in. Hell he was bashing RPGers a few weeks ago with his spam of his little two second "videos" against pub newbies.

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

He was in no way mentioned in this thread and stuck his head in, ONLY to incite, as he's done in other threads I've seen him in.


I don't see it that way. But consider this a "threadwide" warning. If it's just a flame war between and about "clans" then it will be closed.


If, on the other hand, it's about members who are having fun, talking about having fun, etc.... all things that games are meant to be, continue.


But as to sticking a head in, Griff38 has as much right to post here as anyone else. It is, afterall, a public thread. His comment about your juvenile behavior was valid, though condescending. He also had good things to say about you, but these things tend to go unnoticed when angry.


In short, it's silly to be angry over a game. Let it go.

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Here, here, I think some people are taking this game way too seriously. Why can't we just get along and have fun? I really stink at JK2, so I play at the JK2files server, I have fun, but people critisize that server for things I've never really noticed. It's not just the RPG newbies or whatever other corny insult-like nickname you can come up with, it's also the people who take this game too seriously. My part has been said, so you can flame me now. :)

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

Because what you did was pure idiocy assclown. You ran away, drain whore, ran away, drain whore, ran away drain whore. THATS not humiliating someone, that's just playing like a tool. Not once did you just fight, THAT is how you humiliate someone, not playing like a little bitch running away, drain whore, running away, drain whore.

Wtf? You sound like a whining n00b to me. It makes no difference if you whine about kicking, healing, draining, guns or whatever tactics. Whining is whining and whining is annoying an lame. He's right, you are a hypocrite that likes to humiliate newbies.

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talking loud and carrying a tiny stick?


isn't that from roosevelt?



^^what happens when you mess with pyro. This pyro is also trying harder and much tougher than the one you faced. He has improved much since the one you played. I could have beaten the one you played with my skill level now. Final Score 7-3. I did some stupid stuff that cost me 3 points.


But fallen, I still respect your ctf skill. You guys really know what to do unlike me in ctf so ff.

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I've noticed that everytime Fallen goes on a forum he attracts some sort of flaming. Fallen is my buddy. And I realize that some people can't handle how blunt he is. But to say he only likes to beat up on newbies is laughable considering the track record of FK, especially the oldschool FK team, who beat pretty much everyone, including the master duelers in TFFA.

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

isn't that from roosevelt?




Actually he said it the other way around, "speak softly & carry a BIG stick."





[fk]mediablitz, good job sticking up for your friend. That is admirable of you. He needs all the help he can get.

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