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I was inspired by the actions of various people in this forum to draw this (I won't say who). It's basically supposed to be the typical image of a Monkey Island fanboy, complete with Guybrush Threepwood mask Guybrush-style hair. You can partly see the spot-ridden teenager beneath. :p



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Originally posted by TyraaRane

And Ryback, what about true MI fangirls?

They would model themselves on Elaine, and have a Guybrush poster on their bedroom wall.


...a bit scary, now I think about it.


Originally posted by Thrik

What has a Guybrush mask got to do with EMI? It represents the entire series.

Was thinking of Pegnose's disguise, here.

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Originally posted by Ryback

They would model themselves on Elaine, and have a Guybrush poster on their bedroom wall.


...a bit scary, now I think about it.


And, if we were really unlucky, they'd write grammatically incorrect Mary Sue fics, wherein a stranger to the Caribbean solves problems that would give even Guybrush pause and returns LeChuck to his natural human state, then gives him a big hug which instantly reforms him.


Oh, the horror I tell you...the horror!

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*shudders in horror at the fan-boy*


Is this what EMI does to people?

I only played the demo, but my god...


*shudders because she knew a guy like that from Usdan chess*


*shudders because she was actually drawing concept skekctes of a LeChuck mask*NOOOOOO

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  • 2 weeks later...

Then learn them. ;)


<advice> One thing I've noticed about wannabe artists is that they aren't prepared to put much time into learning it. You cannot become an artist overnight, it takes months and possibly even years of practice. I'm still a novice in comparison with people such as Dan Lee, but I draw constantly to improve myself. The trick is to just keep on drawing and trying new ideas. </advice>


And x311, this was drawn first in Flash (to get the smooth lines so I don't have to spend ages smoothing them off in Photoshop) and then coloured in Photoshop. Usually I apply shading and stuff with Photoshop too, but these were quickies.

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Yea, I do like the smooth lines of flash, I find it hard to do that in photoshop (although if I get a wacom in the next few weeks, then it should be a tad easier). Personally, I'm more used to doing landscapes. I'm planning a comic so that may be hard, but I've already started planning it, so it shouldn't be too bad.


Good work Thrik, keep at it and you'll be great (maybe show us some of your other stuff?)

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