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Okay, probably not what you're expecting... but I finally uploaded a picture of my niece and my brother's little dog. Both of whom I love to death. Anyway here's the picture... this was right before she planted one on his nose and then he licked her back on the nose!



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Originally posted by Billy Shears

I love the way that ad covers what you wrote and some of that pic. But the pic is still cool.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I love the dog. I got to dog sit for 2 weeks when they went away last month. He's a chick magnet!

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Originally posted by Billy Shears

There's one of those long ads going down the right side of the page, covering the top of your pic and about a fifth of what you wrote. It's about herpes now. Yay.


I see it too, it's health class all over again....YAY!


I always wished i had a dog...:(


What kind of dog is it? A Golden Retriever?


Anyway, cute pic, one for the picture book!:)

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they are a pain... one of my brothers is getting a divorce... and i'm currently stuck with one of his cats. i HATE this cat... i've banned it from my room when i go to bed because it wakes me EVERY MORNING if i dont! and it CRIES for NO REASON! It cries for food... i put it's food out... and it doesn't eat it... WTF?!? I give up... oh and then it howls outside my bedroom in the morning as well. the problem is i work second shift meaning i'm not up early in the morning!!! god i hate this cat...:mad:

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Aww....that's a cute dog.


I've got a dog of my own, Sherack, and I know what you mean. I don't know how I would take care of a dog all on my own. Right now, I've just got a family dog...who I think is just as cute :D



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Well, no nieces or nephews here. Although my girlfriend has one of both, and I am kinda adopting them as well. I have a pet parrot, very easy to take care of and I love him to death. My girlfriend has a maltese mix and I love him too.


We have both but our names as co-owners to both pets, so they are both ours together.

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