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BF: 1942 over MOHAA?

Reborn Outcast

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I was just wondering... for people who have played both of these games, was I correct in choosing BF: 1942 (Battlefield: 1942) over MOHAA (Medal of Honor)? It seemed to me that after playing both games, the single-player (and most definatly multiplayer) action of BF:1942 was a lot better than MOHAA. I loved the freedom in singleplayer whereas in MOHAA there really was no freedom, you had to follow a set path. The vehicles in BF: 1942 were awesome to, it really gave me the feeling of being in control. Also, the multiplayer was AMAZING!


So, what do you guys think?

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well they are both two different games.

It's hard to compair those two.

But I like battlefield and moh +SH both.

But the variety of vehicels and troops in BF is awsome.


And the flying is not that bad once you get the hang of it.

And the new patch did a mirical to me.

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Flying is only good if you have a controller. If you try to use the keyboard it sucks. I have to use the keyboard and I cannot steer my plane, make the engine go, AND shoot all at the same time. My computer only recognizes two commands. Sucks the big one.


I love BF. The only way you can die in one hit is by me when I snipe ya and believe me I am good. If you know what you are doing it is a great game. Especially with all the maps and different "types" of games whether you like ships of men or planes or even tank battles they provide it all.


The only thing that sucks against it are the stupid team killers. Hate them!



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MOH has a way better single player since it has a story...bf1942 is just multi playing alone...


As for online they are both good games...just depends on what you are going for....to mess around and have fun i'd say bf1942 is better...but to really play and go for high score MOH is better....

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Alright, thanks guys! I just came into a little bit of money from doin some work so I just might get both. :D and yes I'll admit that the SP in BF: 1942 might be a little stupid but I enjoy the freedom of the entire thing. And the fact that its almost 1 hit kill (depending on where they hit you) makes it more realistic, unlike MOHAA which takes about 30 hits.

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