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A Question About Saber Stances


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Originally posted by Kurgan

5) (SP) Introduce a "mastering" system for the sabers. Ie: the longer you use the single saber the better you get (gaining stances, higher defense, etc). When you get the new dual and lightstaff sabers, they start out weaker, and you have to "build" them as you go, but at their highest level they could be stronger than a single saber. Unfortunately with only one stance each, it looks like they are dead set against this.

I very much think that this would be a very good addition ... that we won't see due to the complexity of doing it ...


It is truly a RPG element - progression of skills. But the specific progression of skills through use is even more detailed. Think about it - if you showed extreme mastery of the dual sabers, you'd get a +2 to hit or whatever - maybe it would show as little '+' marks next to your attack and defend in your character screen. Mastery of elements would show up there - Stealth for example. If you were able to use stealth (if we had a working 'pursuade' power, for example) successfully, your ability to use it would get much better ... but you wouldn't have any + next to your saber skills.


... Oh - I don't think that at highest level mastery there would be a natural advantage of one saber type over another. They would each have a level of attack/defend, but there would be an overall balance.



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in reguards to throwing the lightstaff: the single saber is thrown




in reguards to the just having the new saber types requiring more points: this would mean the single saber would be inferior to the other 2 styles


i do like the way they have evened them out by making the 2 new styles have their single stance and allowing the single the multi stances. tho quite frankly from what i've read i think they have been rather silly with the way they have designed the saber balancing when it comes to what is faster, stronger, more defensive etc


the duel sabers have the best defense and the light staff has the best offense :o. whhhaaat? the twin sabers would have to be used at a distance and constantly wielded to back off an opponent. a heavy hit from the single saber would be very hard to block with one hand. also it would be very hard to block with a lightstaff aswell, altho it has pro's of 2 sides, it has the restriction of movement, and that results in the inability to perform hard solid attacks

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Originally posted by Rockstar

in reguards to the just having the new saber types requiring more points: this would mean the single saber would be inferior to the other 2 styles

It doesn't have to mean that at all. The points merely determine whether you have access to the new stances.
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Hopefully no saber style (single, dual or double-bladed) will be inferior to another. If none dominates the rest it'll allow players to pick a favourite and stick with it and don't get ripped up by a n00b that happens to use a better style.

If they balance this as poorly as the JO stances (once you learn heavy well there's no real reason to use another) I'll get depressed and rip myself up with my dual sabers. Or something :D

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once you learn heavy well there's no real reason to use another


thats so not true its not funny. stances were very well balanced. there was a strong phase for a while, but then certain people became proficient at fast, and could chop down strong-only sabers with ease.

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Wonder who you played against. I've only met one in the last month that used anything but heavy and he got chopped every time he wanted a duel.

And a bunch of guys who use all three... But no "stance specialists" with light or medium (except earlier mentioned guy).

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I like fighting with blue, looks like a very dynamic fight then... But onfortunately, for blue you have to be very close, so the red-stance-user only has to swing two times and he'll probably hit you hard...


So I try to use all 3 stances. I usually try to hit someone with red first, then finish it with blue and some yellow strikes. A red-stance-only-fight is sooooo incredibly boooooooring :o

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Originally posted by Thazac

Wonder who you played against. I've only met one in the last month that used anything but heavy and he got chopped every time he wanted a duel.


*nods depressingly* the very sad truth......


i thought it was veerrry dull how they didn't make the yellow saber have all the SP swings?? yellow's swings would have looked quite cool in MP and maybe not have led to this red stance dominance. they shoulda made yellow strongest (as it doesn't have the lunge nor DOA and doesn't have ridiculasly strong swings).


the fact that kicks do damage and knock down is another silly thing. they should push you back and not hurt you (the fact that the damage of a kick is even 1/100th comparable to that of a lightsaber is insulting!). and they shouldn't push you down. to get enough thrust into a kick that could knock you down you would have to be far too defensless than one would let themself become infront of another jedi..... (i know you can not get knocked down with red, but i don't see why the others shouldn't do it)

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5 hp damage should be enough for kicks, but the fact that they go trough shields should remain... And yeah the stances have to be tweaked, but I'm afraid they didn't tweak 'em nearly as much as we all want :( Still I'm confident lightsaber battles will be much better in JA, because of the two new saber styles!

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Originally posted by ryudom

... strong stance battles are fast. the worst are the fast only users that just very slowy chip away while only defending and rolling away


No, red stance battles only are short when one person is significantly better than the other. If that's not the case, the two fighters usually walk around swinging their saber, afraid of getting too close and they only occasionaly hit eachother... those battles last long!


Blue vs blue can last long because of the low damage, but is at least better to watch at (more dynamic and they actually come close) and if they are good enough, they'll do enough damage to end it quickly :)


The best battles are when two ppl both use all the stances!! Those are the best to look at AND the funniest to play, cause you don't get so bored.


When I'm fighting a pure red-stance-fighter, I have the most chance of winning using only red stance. But I don't do that, I fight normally, otherwise I'M not going to like it... I'd rather lose in a fight which was at least interesting FOR ME, than win after a 5 min boring match where we hardly came close to each other...

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