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jedi war wounds?


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hey again guys


we all know JO let us cut of limbs if we were lucky enough (unless we typed in that stupid UNrealistic saber combat cheat)


i was wondering who wants to see scold or slash marks on the character models?? even if they only show on the finishing blow it would be cool to slash somone across the cheast and see a nice slash mark (similar to what happens to Obiwans upperarm when dooku strikes him)


or have it set so that any saber strike leaves a mark of some sort (like blade of darkness), or just have it that the final blow and after leave scars


it doesn't have to be bloody coz i know SW games aren't meant to be... but we can already CUT OF LIMBS!!! lol so its not really that friendly is it? i just think it would be cool to have.


any thoughts friends?

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My opinion is the same as yours.

It would be more realistic with such damage decals.

But can anybody tell me if tha damage decals are also in the final version of the game????

Cause i heard that this thing would be put out of the game´.

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There are lots of decal options that would enhance the environmental realism:

- hurt enemies limp or can't shoot well

- dead bodies

- wounds on others

- wounds on your character (this is 3rd person after all)

- blast marks on walls

- saber cuts on walls

- damage to structures

and so on.


For me, I'd like to first see the enemies showing they are hurt (as in games like MoH) by limping around or whatever, then next have greater persistance of dead bodies, then have damage decals appear and remain.


Unfortunately all of that takes graphics overhead. And if it comes at the cost of framerate, I'll take smoother gameplay at higher detail levels.



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Originally posted by griff38

There was a thread about this before but check out the links below called fallguy video & ragdoll physics.


Is your point that they should be using ragdoll physics in general? Or that war wound indicators would be accomplished somehow using a physics system?


BTW - I think it is clear that there will not be full ragdoll physics in JA, just a ragdoll skeletal system, but what the distinctions are ... I'm not sure.



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Man, i want to seee bodies fly back and smash into and then fly of walls when i shoot them with my missle launcher, not just fall and have the head go through the wall, i want it real, like unreal tournament 2003, that is what i want for ja, not some stupid death animation that i have seen countless times

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Originally posted by taekwondo joe

Man, i want to seee bodies fly back and smash into and then fly of walls when i shoot them with my missle launcher, not just fall and have the head go through the wall, i want it real, like unreal tournament 2003, that is what i want for ja, not some stupid death animation that i have seen countless times


I agree ... it should almost be like Force Push - but with significant damage. When you get hit by a rocket in JO you get thrown around ... it should be more proportionate with force.



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I confess that when I first got my lightsaber and disarmed guys I tended not to chop them up when they started doing the surrender dance. I thought it would affect my score or the game. It seemed a little odd to play on the light side and still be allowed to chop up disarmed foes. I'd like to see a system that would allow you to disable an opponent and then knock them out or something - unless you were dark - in which case you could slaughter to your heart's content. Making hand and leg strikes - as opposed to head and torso would add to this aspect.

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reguardless of being light or dark, both have honour and edicate, which is you defeat someone, and once you have you do no more as it is weak and cowardly, if you dismemebered an arm or a leg: light would just walk away as your foe can do no more, whilst dark would finish them off.


imho the characters don't necessarily have to limp. just show the slash marks on the enemy in cool detail :)

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i think that the key to good duels would be to make it so that damage was actually like saberrealcombat, (just the damage the stupid dismemberment), and saber duels were long because the saber system made hits very hard to get in and would get in because you have hit your foe with a series of hard attacks, or because you have tried a risky move that hasn't worked and cost you.


that would be cool. in sp i turned of realisticsabercombat coz it made the game riduculasly easy even on JM, and i actually missed attacking an enemy and just seeing him fall to the ground instead of just barely skimming his stomach and having him stupidly fall appart.


i think having cool saber slashes would be an awesome addition to the game and would mean that dismemberment would not be so necessary to have a cool death affect

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Yeah, for awhile what I'd do is this:



after an enemy "surrenders" I'd switch to fists and "knock them out" POW! Hehe..


The only trouble was, if they are in surrender mode, a single touch from your idle saber will kill them (even if you have saberrealisticcombat turned off).


Not only that, but Luke and other NPC Jedi will actually EXECUTE surrendered enemies! But Rebels and other gun toting npc's will just "guard" them.


I guess those saber users are just a little sadistic, even on the light side. ; )


I agree - for me, wanting to play the light side fully in SP, I'd like to be able to disarm and move on. Maybe I'll try that in JA ...


... but I'd like to see that thought of in the game development, rather than just run and slash everything in sight. The difference between light and dark is not merely force power choices.



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Well, whether or not to kill an opponent you've grabbed the weapon away from is up to you.. a personal "role playing" consideration more than a game convention.


Should the game penalize you if you kill an unarmed enemy on the Light Side? That would be an interesting mod... (perhaps like Thief on Hard Difficulty), or perhaps you have to "capture" them or something somehow.


Though, one could argue that if you DON'T put the enemy out of conmission, he'll either 1) pickup another weapon and use it on you later or 2) alert his buddies to your presence and further decrease your chances of survival.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Well, whether or not to kill an opponent you've grabbed the weapon away from is up to you.. a personal "role playing" consideration more than a game convention.


Should the game penalize you if you kill an unarmed enemy on the Light Side? That would be an interesting mod... (perhaps like Thief on Hard Difficulty), or perhaps you have to "capture" them or something somehow.


Though, one could argue that if you DON'T put the enemy out of conmission, he'll either 1) pickup another weapon and use it on you later or 2) alert his buddies to your presence and further decrease your chances of survival.

I agree very much - I do see it as a personal role-playing, one that I want to do.


The game should only penalize you if you have an option - and not just killing them when armed ;) You should be able to bind them up or knock them out or something.


As for the last part - I should hope so! If you just pull away their blaster should they stand there with their arms up forever? NO, thank the maker they're alive and get help!


The only way to really do this well is with a sort of mind trick/persuasion that allows you to sneak through areas without killing - not forced stealth, just a reasonable option. THEN they could score it against you when you killed unarmed enemies.



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yeah, definitely agree with having an option of what to do when disarming a foe and its effects on your force later on. but one thing i sorely miss from an older game that i think would make a lot of games a billion times better is the geo modding in red faction, i'm just wondering why developers never put it in their games :/

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Originally posted by Tinny

yeah, definitely agree with having an option of what to do when disarming a foe and its effects on your force later on. but one thing i sorely miss from an older game that i think would make a lot of games a billion times better is the geo modding in red faction, i'm just wondering why developers never put it in their games :/


Because, even in Red Faction you couldn't destroy everything, and it is a nice feature, but like Ragdoll physics it can really only enhance or detract slightly from a game. They don't MAKE a game - the game is good or bad on its' own merits, and things like that can simply add to the experience if done correctly. Red Faction was mediocre, and geomod - as cool as it was - didn't really make it any better.



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The only way to really do this well is with a sort of mind trick/persuasion that allows you to sneak through areas without killing


What about a new light side power - Sleep. Works like mindtrick only the guy keels over and falls asleep for the rest of the level unless one of his pals comes to wake him up. Of course MP it would have to work differently - maybe slow the opponent down or something.

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Originally posted by Reprehence

What about a new light side power - Sleep.

Yeah, I can see it ... Force Narcolepsy :D


Seriously, something like that would be great for those of us who would like to try to maximize objectives with minimum kills (at least one time through ;) ) and stay true to the light side.



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Originally posted by txa1265

Yeah, I can see it ... Force Narcolepsy :D


Seriously, something like that would be great for those of us who would like to try to maximize objectives with minimum kills (at least one time through ;) ) and stay true to the light side.




yes i agree with keeping kills minimal, but i think only choosing to not kill unarmed enemies should give you merit, but you don't lose anything if you kill something that is armed. just think of having a group of storm troopers, pulling their guns out of their hands, then having to pull out your rifle when its full ammo and havnig waste ammo to pick up the rifles on the ground. that would be a lengthy process if you had to spare every enemy to be 'good'


the light side isn't as pacifistic as people think. the lightside will kill in defense. the difference between the light and dark is that the light does not believe in NEEDLESS KILLING or using the force to harm. to only attack in defense, but that doesn't mean only being restricted to unoffensive powers (contrarty to popular belief) as yoda demonstraighted so awesomely in Ep 2

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Originally posted by Rockstar

the light side isn't as pacifistic as people think. the lightside will kill in defense. the difference between the light and dark is that the light does not believe in NEEDLESS KILLING or using the force to harm. to only attack in defense, but that doesn't mean only being restricted to unoffensive powers (contrarty to popular belief) as yoda demonstraighted so awesomely in Ep 2

Very much agree - you would be using Force Stupidity to leave a room with 30 stormies and their officers all alive and just temporarily disarmed ... I am just thinking if there were a way to allow you to properly disarm - not just pull the gun, but take them out of the action. Things like knocking them out or locking them in somewhere...



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Originally posted by txa1265

Very much agree - you would be using Force Stupidity to leave a room with 30 stormies and their officers all alive and just temporarily disarmed ... I am just thinking if there were a way to allow you to properly disarm - not just pull the gun, but take them out of the action. Things like knocking them out or locking them in somewhere...




a good idea man

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Originally posted by Tinny

yeah, definitely agree with having an option of what to do when disarming a foe and its effects on your force later on. but one thing i sorely miss from an older game that i think would make a lot of games a billion times better is the geo modding in red faction, i'm just wondering why developers never put it in their games :/

I'm now playing Red Faction II on my PC ... and I have to say what I said before applies even more so. Geo-modding with better graphics is nice, and it is still cool to have a firefight where you're blowing apart the entire room as you fight, but RFII has way too many non-destroyable areas, and the game itself is not very good ...


In short I'd love to see GeoMod used elsewhere - I'd love to cut a door for myself like Anakin in EpII, but it doesn't make a game.



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