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The Campaign


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Instead, I get onto a server and there is no ADMIN on this server to make sure things like this do not happen. The other player was extremely good and after defeating me several times, began to call me names like "fag" and told me to "leave the server so he wouldn't embarass me anymore". I never said a word to this player, I kept on playing and was trying to have fun.


This is a whine


Well I am sick and tired of going into a server to have some fun, only to be talked about and constantly harassed by young punks who have nothing better to do. SO, in all aspects of this, I am starting a Campaign against server owners and rude players. I say seek them out and let the community know who they are


Another whine


For the record, I have played baseball and soccer is my life. I played it for over 13 years untill some hot head who thought he was better than everone clipped my knee. I still referee soccer, but I can't play anymore and put large amounts of stress on my knee. All because some hot head who demonstrated "un sportsman" like behavior destroyed something that I loved doing.


More whining


You failed to read my first post, that politely asked for people not to post harassing replies, I only wanted "constructive responses". The one thing I am getting from this, however; is harassing post from a clan who is afraid of something like this happening due to the unwanted publicity to their inpaticular clan.


Even more whining


Get the picture? And sorry but this is a PUBLIC forum. Anyone can respond to any thread with any response they see fit. And my responses ARE constructive criticism. They're trying to get you to see that a new level of tears are falling out there in cyberspace.


And LucasArts doesn't give a crap how the people play the game or they'd have a built in chat-text filter. So don't presume that you know how they intended this game. If anything they intended it to be an action FPS/3PS, and if you go on the history of such games what you experienced shouldn't have been anything new. And the fact that you came here and tried to start some "campaign" against server owners, admins and other players is just ludicrus. Do you pay for a server to be up? Do you know what goes into doing so? Can you be online 24/7 playing a game to ensure that your server is smooth? No? Didn't think so.

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Erich is only trying to make a point. There's a good number of bad servers and players that doesnt not know what have fun means. Its a game and hes trying to have a good battle with other players and trying to be smooth about it. Yea ive ran into alot of people that just wanted to kill, kill, kill and make fun that they killed you. But I didnt pay any attention to them, why should I, they dont know to have fun and to have serious battle. And admins, hahhaha some of them shouldnt be making life decisions! But from what im getting Erich is trying to point out is that these people are making it hard for others to play and have fun, which is overall the number one thing a player wants in a game.

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Thanks Zappa_0, that is the point I was trying to make. I only started this to get input from other players who encounter it as often as I do. It does take the fun away from the game and I only wanted to get ideas of how to stop it from happening.

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