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Dear Diary: SO LONELY


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Puuuuuuuuuuurple :D My fave colour!


Seriously though, I dunno, Melbourne has always been my home, all my friends and family are here but I'm just so over it. I've spent my whole life here and I'm bored with it. I need a change but whenever I try to talk to someone about it I just get told that it's a stupid idea, why would I want to move away from Melbourne.


Apart from my friends and family there's nothing really keeping me here, I hate Melbourne, I never thought I'd say it coz it's my home, but I seriously hate it and no one understands what I'm going through. Just once I'd like my friends to be supportive of me, I'm always supportive of them in their decisions, why is it now that I wanna do something with my life and move it's a stupid bloody idea.

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i was gonna say "just screw your friends and go somewhere eltse", but i don't know your friends and how they'd react.:( and then i was gonna say to go somewhere on a trip on a getaway by yourself, but then you'd be lonely and we can't have that:D


that' kinda tough, though. well, i'm clueless as to how to help you:confused: i'm trying to help, but there's nothing to really do because there's no real situation where everybody wins.:( oh well, i'm sure you can manage. although i'm sure i'd be sick of it too.


i wish i could help.:(

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I know what you mean Natty!!


I live in the UK, a place where, outside of London, and some nice areas of countryside, everywhere is drab, filled with cardboard coloured tracksuit, cap wearing morons.


I hate it. I love your country, particularly Perth, where I'd love to go and live. Australia's lovely!!!


....but I understand where you're coming from where everyone and everything seems to irritate you.....


....I'd ignore all the bad advice being given, and do something crazy!!!!. I've just done something crazy and life changing myself, going against about 75% of the advice I was given......so you're not alone!!!

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But then again, what can people do with their life anyway? I mean, if you ask me, so long as you have fun that's a good enough life for anybody. I wanna be a programmer or artist in a games company. should I ever achieve that goal, I'll be 24 by the time I'm out of college. I'll then (hopefully) work in a crumby, downtown rat infested CRAPHOLE of a gaming studio while it slowly and painstakingly produces its first game, that I will be a part of. Every day I will go into work and taste nasty cheap coffee, and at nights I will force myself to drink cold, strong coffee to keep myself awake while I meet deadlines. That is my dream career. That and Tim Schafer jumping around in the background cracking jokes and welding stuff together. Hopefully the place will even be infested with Mice.


What kind of life is that, you ask? It's the one for me! It's not amazing. It's not even interesting. It's just fun. It around people I enjoy being around, with similar interests, moaning about the same goddamn rat hole, sharing the same Mouse Chewed Equiptment, getting electrocuted together with the same wire that a mouse has chewed the insulator off. I'll probably even DIE from dust inhalation.


Life ain't about skydiving and mountain climbing and visiting every country in the world and falling in love and all that sh!t. That's just idealist crap from somebody who has a twisted world vision. PS falling in love is highly overrated and extremely boring, yet astoundingly expensive (so I hear from word of mouth anyway)


Life is about having fun with people you like.

And Tim Schafer doing Pole Dances and writing insane webpage updates.


And you do that the wholeeeeeeeee time :)

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I know, I just feel like I'm of no use to anyone, I can't explain it really. I know how I feel it's just when I try to explain it, it doesn't work. *sigh*


I'm a complete sad case, there's something obviously wrong with me. Maybe I'm too sensitive? Maybe I always fall for the wrong people or think that a guy is interested in me and then I end up getting hurt *sigh*

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If you make people happy, you're of utmost importance. And hey, every girl feels like that. The whole guy thing. I mean it's awful when you really like someone and you're not sure if they like you back and then you see them go out with another girl and you're like, "Damn" or whatever and then you stab yourself, twice. But we get over it, coz we're girls and unlike them, we WASH ourselves.

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I love you Yufster :p No seriously I do, everything you said makes sense. Although I'm a serious drama queen.


As for the whole guy thing? It's seriously tragic, he lives in Sydney (although can I stress I decided I wanted to move to Sydney before I liked this guy) Anyways, I got so miserable coz I really liked him (and I had already met him) anyways I told him, and he was so nice about it, even though he said he didn't feel the same way, but after seeing him while I was in Sydney, I'm right back to where I started from. Wanting a guy I can't have who isn't interested in me. *sighs pathetically* Thing is, during my last night in Sydney, we went out right? And he asked if he could crash in my hotel (I said yes only because he'd been so lovely to me for the past week and a half) but then one of the other guys said he wanted to crash as well, but this guy got into a **** about it and said he didn't really want this guy coming along, so I dunno :confused:


Anyway, guess which guy I like.



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Well, I can't give you any advice because I live in a great place, out the country in Ireland surrounded by grass and wheat fields, it's great :) (ps: I'm not a farmer, just live near fields!).


Anyway, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday Natty ;), do what you want to do! Might as well, your life at the end of the day :)

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Thank you mymipage.


I guess the reason why I'm so upset is that no one seems to be supportive in my decision, as it is I'm now in a huff with my best friend, I asked her a few weeks ago if she wanted to come to Sydney with me and a few other people for new years, and she was like "I'd love to! I don't have any plans blah blah blah" but on Friday night she turns around and says she might be going to India with her boyfriend for new years. So now I'm really insulted and hurt :(


I'll proove everyone wrong :D

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Natty, jesus. If you got the opportunity to go to freaking Bombay, you'd take it over hanging out with some friends in a city that's only 6 or so hours away from your hometown.


Now, about the whole thing about you not being able to land an attractive guy.. let's just say my love life changed for the much better after I stopped being a porkbeast.

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Originally posted by mercatfat


Now, about the whole thing about you not being able to land an attractive guy.. let's just say my love life changed for the much better after I stopped being a porkbeast.


And this is why I get ****ty, it's always about the looks isn't it? Not about the personality or what's on the inside.

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Originally posted by COJ

Damn Natty, fine stuff u got there on the pic!!! :brow: :brow:


Cheer up babe, you'll find the one soon, your still young, relax...:)


They're all lovely :D Who do you think is the best? :p

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People want a person with looks AND personality. I've always been a lovable scamp, but it wasn't till I combined that with good looks that I rode the wave of successs.


then again, if you don't have the looks, you can probably find someone who suffers from the same thing with a great personality.


I mean, seriously, what's so wrong with getting thin? Do it for your own health. Use that determination you use to deny your faults and apply it to some exercise. That's what I did.


Am I being rude? No, honest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You dont have to be thin or beautiful to find the person of your dreams (By the way, if the kicking gorgeous red head in the picture is you Natty, you have a head start in the looks department!!:) ).


I've been in both camps....a little oddball as a teenager - spotty greasy and with no confidence, then devilishly handsome in my 20's (ahem:o ). With the looks came the attention of the opposite sex, and I can say hands on my heart that I've never turned down a date because of the girl being less than perfect. I've been out with all shapes and sizes, and generally found the more oddball the girl the nicer the person she was.


If I had the choice between a stunning girl with a nice personality and a less than perfect chick with an equally nice personality....chances are I'd be a cheeky monkey and would sneek about and have a bit of both....certainly wouldn't choose the so called perfect one....;)

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To be perfectly honest, I think looks only matter as far as first impressions. I'm thin and it hasn't gotten me anywhere. Lads spend more of their time cracking dirty jokes and trying to get with me as part of competitions or whatever, than they do actually talking to me as a person. Does it suck? Yes, because I'm a tomboy and I don't like that attention.


My two boyfriends weren't goodlooking, at all. Not because I couldn't GET a goodlooking boyfriend, but because I didn't want one. I liked my two boyfriends (until they turned, you know, retarded) because they were sweet (until they were retarded) and that's pretty much it. They became goodlooking in my eyes.


Until of course they became retarded.


Looks mean nothing. Any guy that doesn't accept you for what you are isn't worth jack. Trust me, the only guys that only go for looks are the guys that cheat and lie and eat poopoo.


Nats, you rock :)

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