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Whats a n00b or Lamer?


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i was banned from [DEATH] apparently, and im not sure why.... none of the people there were calling me lamers and some even said i was good, and then all of a sudden, i got banned. hmm....

maybe it was cause i was in first place by 20 some kills.....nah...


anyways, the server was [DEATH] Recruiting


first time i ever got banned from a server.....feels weird..

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Was on a clan server last night.. think they was called DSI or some thing like that. well i am only attacking players with saber on... but when i was in the middle of ganking some one, i notice that one of there clan members are pushing me (there saber was off) well to me, if you are using force on some one saber on OR off you free game no! well anyways they sleep me for laming hahahaha then when i am pointing out that why use the force on me with your saber off they got upset and kick me out. got to say that there server was sooo laggy that it was not easy walking around and not hit some one with ya saber.. hooo put your saber down! well if i did that no one would be fighting lol. anyways i am not the best FFA fighter well i can say i am crap at ffa. yet this clan had to sleep me becuse i was laming hahaha to many noob clans out there me thinks.


and i will fight any one to show you how bad i am at FFA... just give me a flag and point me in the direction i need to run and thats what i am good at

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:fett: I keep hearing ppl saying that there stradagy kicking, how do you kick?(Excuse my n00bnishness.) Always on subject;) . And as for the all this about peaple getting called lamer and n00b you'll live:) . But for the admins banning peaple that's just not right!!! This is an action\adventure game it doesn't matter if your sabers off,your sitting ,or your chatbox is on!!! That should make you an easy target!!!! I mean if I'm pointing a rocket launcher at your head and my saber is off and i'm sitting does that mean you can't kill me?!!! *getting very evil idies* Well that's just my opinion and if you don't agree with me than i'm sorry:rolleyes: :fett:
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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

Was on a clan server last night.. think they was called DSI or some thing like that. well i am only attacking players with saber on... but when i was in the middle of ganking some one, i notice that one of there clan members are pushing me (there saber was off) well to me, if you are using force on some one saber on OR off you free game no! well anyways they sleep me for laming hahahaha then when i am pointing out that why use the force on me with your saber off they got upset and kick me out. got to say that there server was sooo laggy that it was not easy walking around and not hit some one with ya saber.. hooo put your saber down! well if i did that no one would be fighting lol. anyways i am not the best FFA fighter well i can say i am crap at ffa. yet this clan had to sleep me becuse i was laming hahaha to many noob clans out there me thinks.


and i will fight any one to show you how bad i am at FFA... just give me a flag and point me in the direction i need to run and thats what i am good at


This is what I hate. Now, I usually obey the server rules. But when someone lames me, I lame him back. I don't need the all-powerful big boss man to protect me. I have a Lightsaber, I'm gonna cut some people!

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Easy solution to the "chat killing" problem:


1) Only chat in spectator mode or when you're dead. Or better yet... go to mIRC or use a chat program, don't waste the server's bandwidth talking!! Besides, who cares about your lame conversation in this game anyway?


2) Pick a quiet spot on the map and talk there. If you happen to get killed, don't whine about it, since it's your own fault you weren't ready.




Emotes that make a person invulnerable (or nearly invulnerable) are positively moronic, and thus people who run those mods are responsible for any problems they cause.


Frankly, I find a lot of people whine about stuff that is totally preventable, but instead of trying to prevent the problem, they just drop themselves in the situation then complain. It gets old fast...


And of course, its the right of any server owner to make their own rules and enforce them, but c'mon. I think a lot of the crap is due to these stupid admin and emote mods...


With all the vote kick abuse and "lame admin" activity that you hear about here, it almost sounds like the best servers would be the ones where no admin is present and voting is turned off. Then again, admins could simply be a little less petty... and players a little less whiney.. ; )

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

This is what I hate. Now, I usually obey the server rules. But when someone lames me, I lame him back. I don't need the all-powerful big boss man to protect me. I have a Lightsaber, I'm gonna cut some people!


/agree and the only players i was going after was with there sabers on... but noticed the admin helping his buddy with push and pull.. and when i started on the admin and he could not kill me with out his powers he then sleep me.

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Newb = noob = n00b = nub noobie = newbie


Noob or the above mentioned words are usually referred to as one who is new to the game or better yet one who doesn't know the basics to gaming. Noob can also mean one who is inferior to another gaming wise.


1337 =leet =elite


1337 usually means one who is superior upon all. In Bawbags case Bawbag is the elite between kasakur and him.

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Originally posted by Arreat

Newb = noob = n00b = nub noobie = newbie

Noob or the above mentioned words are usually referred to as one who is new to the game or better yet one who doesn't know the basics to gaming. Noob can also mean one who is inferior to another gaming wise.


It's funny...in JO the meaning of the word "noob" has changed into something entirely different than the good old "new-to-the-game".


It's become a general insult to anyone who does anything that you don't think is cool atm.


For example if I see 12 people in a mad DFA-frenzy I can walk in there with my saber down and declare anyone who even touches me with his saber a "noob".


Also if I make up a rule, f.ex. >> only noobfags kick 'cause they have no saborz-skill, I can use this insult on anyone who kicks.


The best thing about it is that if someone is labeled as "noob", one can (and definitely should!) try to lame him as much as possible and if he won't die; vote kick him off the server or tell an admin to sleep/slap him.


The same goes for "lamer" as well. Actually "lamer" and "noob" are almost synonyms. The terms are used by the same people in the same circumstances and they both have the same results: whining + kick/ban


God bless the honourable JO community! :)

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I've been going through the same BS. It seems like "lamer" is beginning to apply to just about anyone who shows up to a server to actually play the damned game.


By all means, I firmly believe that you shouldn't attack people with their saber down or when they're chatting. I think that's pretty reasonable. Here are some of my most recent "lame" JK2 experiences online:


Had saber down, got struck by one of those guys running around in the blue stance slashing at everything. Turned saber on to defend. One of the clan members whose server I was on walked around the corner and into my blade while I was trying to hack my opponent up. It was completely accidental. Got called a "lamer" by the clan member and immediately got slapped by the admin on duty. Left server and will never return.


Participated in an FFA on another clan server recently and got called a "lamer" by a clan member. I was actually having a good time on the server and was thinking about bookmarking it. I still for the life of me haven't figured out why just playing the game in an FFA environment causes a "lamer" response from a clan member. Yes, I did use the kick a few times (GOD FORBID!) in the FFA and yes, I did kill the aforementioned clan member quite a few times. Left server and will never return.


Got called a "lamer" on another clan server because I didn't use the red stance. You know, the overused and ridiculously easy to avoid red 1-2-3 move? Well, I just don't use the red stance much because there are too many holes in the swings. Anyway, I defeated the "elite" clan member with blue and yellow swings and was labeled a "lamer" for it. Left server and will never return.


Folks, this is a game right? Not in this day and age. You really have to look and dig hard to find a server where more than 10% of the people actually play. Most servers are nothing but OpenGL chatrooms and emote whackoff sessions or the players are more interested in pointing fingers ("lamer!").


So, if you get called "lamer" and you aren't one of those people who chat kills or kills people with their sabers off, chances are that you:


A) enter a server with the intent to play versus chat or stand around enjoying your emote binds.

B) use more than one stance and one combo (my personal favorite "lame" thing to do).




If you want to avoid the whole "lamer" nonsense, try a pure FFA server with all weapons and all Force powers. I'm talking a plain, vanilla JK2 game (not any of the Vulcanus Admin mod servers, not any of the Jedi Academy servers and definitely be VERY careful when entering a clan server... very hit and miss). That's the only place that I've found where most of the players really just want to play and could care less how they live or die. If you're into JK2 for the sabers-only thing well, that's a bit more tricky since most of the sabers-only servers are running Vulcanus or Academy and then you have the emote parties to sift through.


Remember when this game first came out? It was just people on servers having fun. What happened?

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Agreed. It seems we have the same problem.


Although I do not see any reason for walking around saber down...so there is really no need for "saber down = peace". Also; if you feel like typing in mid battle, you obviously don't care much about seeing your virtual jedi die & respawn.


If you don't wanna play, stay in spec mode or better yet: go to MSN messenger or ICQ ir IRC adn stop wasting bandwith. If you log on to a FFA, you better be *playing*.


This is something everyone should understand. When JA comes out I will royally **** up anyone who is dumb enough to assume that a JA FFA is a chatroom. :mad:

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You seem to have a problem, Luc. You must be joining clan servers that have rules that they expect guests to follow. If a clan wants to use their personal clan server for meetings or just messing around, they have every right to do so. You have NO right to go mess up other people's servers. You would not have problems with people who obey rules if you would join a server that has no rules. It's as simple as that. You hang with your kind of people, I'll hang with mine.

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You seem to have a problem, Luc. You must be joining clan servers that have rules that they expect guests to follow. If a clan wants to use their personal clan server for meetings or just messing around, they have every right to do so. You have NO right to go mess up other people's servers. You would not have problems with people who obey rules if you would join a server that has no rules. It's as simple as that. You hang with your kind of people, I'll hang with mine.


Thats the problem the rpg crowd usually dont stay with their servers, they go to public ones like CTF, and even cry if u kill them with thier saber down in that!!:eek: Im all for them having thier own servers, but it gets sorta annoying when about 90% of servers are rpging ones!! In addition ill also **** up any of the rpg crowd who thinks Ja is a virtual chatroom:D

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Oh gee, TK8252MJL, why didn't I think of that!?!


Perhaps you'd like to give me the addresses of, say... 15 servers to which I can simply log on and start playing the game without having to worry about being called a lamer and getting kicked or banned.


Shouldn't be too difficult a task, right? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Rumor

would you believe that clans were created for competition? (competiton means actually playing the game)




nooOOO..?? :eek: Are you serious? Are you ****ting me? That can't be true?!? Seriously? "Competition"?? "Playing the game"?? ROFL!! ....no way dude...no f'king way! That's BS! :confused:


What planet have you been living on?? :D

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I only go to 2 servers: JK2Files.com, and Chop Shop Disruption. I don't know the other ones. And since 99% of the servers have the rules that you don't like, there must be more people who like the rules than those who don't. Just face it. And it's going to be like that in Jedi Academy too. There is nothing you can do to stop it.

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

I only go to 2 servers: JK2Files.com, and Chop Shop Disruption. I don't know the other ones. And since 99% of the servers have the rules that you don't like, there must be more people who like the rules than those who don't. Just face it. And it's going to be like that in Jedi Academy too. There is nothing you can do to stop it.


JK2Crap.com is the only server that you go to that follows these rules then.


Chop Shop Disruption is a great server, IMO. I go there once in a while but whenever I do, it's a great experience. No one complains ever and that's what I like.


Anyways, Sure... every server has its own rules. I go to a server (g//ffa) that used to clearly state in the MotD that there is no whining about laming or losing. However, Every noob that would get killed would instantly yell "LAMER" as if thinking he can enforce his anti-playing laws on this particular server. As of late though, the server has been set to full weapons. This greatly decreased the amount of whining noobs. I still see some people complaining about me blasting them with a flechette round though.


The funniest complaint I have gotten was "all you do is jump around and blast people with that blaster thing" which I am under the influence you're supposed to do in every first person shooter. Otherwise, if you stay still, you're dead pretty quick.

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You gotta love the Chop Shop. One hit kills... MY kind of game!


There is no way to stop people from being idiots. People who try to enforce their personal rules in other servers can not be stopped. You just have to face the fact... People will be stupid. But the main reason that people in the servers are so dumb is because a lot of players are 11 or 12 years old!


BTW, a server to avoid (and you have probably been banned from): {MS}. Their admins are the definition of a person who likes power to crush and humiliate people. I joined, I ran around saber down, not chatting or fighting, and BOOM! Server disconnected. [JsR]TK-8252 was kicked (Reason: Lammer and winer). I thought WTF?! So I rejoin, then join spectator, ask why I was kicked, no one answers. So after a while, I join in. Same situation. BOOM! [JsR]TK-8252 was kicked (Reason: Lammer and winer). Screw that! I'm not going back to that s*** server.

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

You gotta love the Chop Shop. One hit kills... MY kind of game!


There is no way to stop people from being idiots. People who try to enforce their personal rules in other servers can not be stopped. You just have to face the fact... People will be stupid. But the main reason that people in the servers are so dumb is because a lot of players are 11 or 12 years old!


BTW, a server to avoid (and you have probably been banned from): {MS}. Their admins are the definition of a person who likes power to crush and humiliate people. I joined, I ran around saber down, not chatting or fighting, and BOOM! Server disconnected. [JsR]TK-8252 was kicked (Reason: Lammer and winer). I thought WTF?! So I rejoin, then join spectator, ask why I was kicked, no one answers. So after a while, I join in. Same situation. BOOM! [JsR]TK-8252 was kicked (Reason: Lammer and winer). Screw that! I'm not going back to that s*** server.


stop wasting e-space ^

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Heh...I think it's one hell of a good reason to kick someone if they don't PLAY. It makes a lot more sense than all the other 2349852638573 rules out there.


The idiots CAN be stopped. They WILL be stopped. Once people realize that everyone should just STFU and play the game they will A) not tell all newbies to follow their honourable Jedi code of anti-playing anymore and B) quit bitching about every god damn thing that kills them.


Newsflash: People DON'T like honour codes. People DON'T follow honour codes. Even the most honourable Jedi of all drops all codes the second he sees someone "laming". It's pure BS and we all know it.


In JA there hopefully will not be retarded admin mods with power tripping admins looking for excuses to use their power.


I went on a few servers yesterday for the first time in gods knows how long. I got kicked from FSJ. I got kicked from LOL server 1 and 2. I got kicked from BOSS and just about every other server on the list with a 100-ish ping.


The only server where I finally managed to play for a while was a basejk server i.e. NO MODS. Sure people called me a lamer, a fag, a dick and a noob. Someone also threw a <<No force noob! Force = no skill>> bind at me...which was somewhat hilarious since it was a full force server. And a few times I was challeged to a duel by guys who would've rather died from my idle saber damage than attacked me even though I told them again and again "Please attack me. It is a FFA. You're free to attack me hit me kills me please just FIGHT."


As a conclusion:


A modded server = a BS anti-playing server. You get kicked within 3 minutes if you PLAY.


A basejk server with voting disabled = a chance to PLAY and have fun as long as you are able to disregard the retardedness of 85% fo the players.


How many basejk servers are there? The All-Seeing Eye lists about 150 servers at the moment. Out of all these only 9 are basejk. 3 out of the 9 seems to run 1.03 yawspeed-backstabbing. To 4 of these I get a 400+ ping. One seems to be multi-duel which means it's no FFA.


Sigh... I hate mods.


EDIT: Did not kill saber down. Did not use lightning. Did not kill people who were typing. All comments I made were along the lines of "n1/gf/lol".

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