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Forum Organization?


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OK, on Friday we had someone new post a question about setting up a JO server, but he wasn't specific and got peppered by people (including me) making sure he wasn't talking about the pirated beta.


It made me think - maybe the forums should be broken up more logically.


I think there should be a 'Jedi Academy' section with Single Player, MultiPlayer, Server Help, Technical Help, and perhaps a 'General' area. There should be the same for Jedi Outcast, and then the Swamp. And consoles/Mac help may need to be taken into account.


What do you think?



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Don't worry. When the game is close to release, the forums will be reorganised to reflect the new game's content. ;) If you cast your mind back, new sub-forums were practically appearing on a daily basis when JO was released, as the forum needs for that game were made apparent. :)

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I look at the Elite Force II boards, and their structure seems pretty good (http://www.ritualistic.com//forums/ubbthreads.php?Cat=) ... as does the KOTOR boards here.


Maybe there should be a specific area set up for discussion of the beta by those who are not approved LA/Raven testers ... the description could have something to do with Dante ... ;)



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Hmmm...from what I lurk/observed from the release of JO things are added rather haphazardly around here... forums might go up, down, moved, etc...


and generally speaking other forums are temporarily established, sharken, stirred, and merged.... "features" are here one minute then gone the next, one day you might show up to find something completely new like "Battle RPG"


and if you don't like it, tough.


best not to get too invovled in the shape of things around here, from the looks of it whoever runs this casba is pretty determined to do whatever. i can understand your POV after having invested so much time posting, making this place what it is... i say, let it go.

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Originally posted by Sargasso

best not to get too invovled in the shape of things around here, from the looks of it whoever runs this casba is pretty determined to do whatever. i can understand your POV after having invested so much time posting, making this place what it is... i say, let it go.

If you've seen any of my involvement with the pirated beta recently ... you know that I won't ;)


It's OK - I was around when the JO forums took shape, and don't have any problems with them - it was just the beta spoilers that pushed the thought for me ...



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Originally posted by txa1265

If you've seen any of my involvement with the pirated beta recently ... you know that I won't ;)


It's OK - I was around when the JO forums took shape, and don't have any problems with them - it was just the beta spoilers that pushed the thought for me ...




Actually, I agree with you. Something should clearly be done now for the sake of honest folks who need to be spoiler free... even with the mods editing out things ASAP I've still caught a couple of nasty spoilers.


I just don't see posters having much input around here...

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Don't worry. When the game is close to release, the forums will be reorganised to reflect the new game's content. ;) If you cast your mind back, new sub-forums were practically appearing on a daily basis when JO was released, as the forum needs for that game were made apparent. :)


Will the fourms be down then I hope not!

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