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quick questions


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1-im making a big map about the size of nathan's matrix map and i have to light it, do i have to use trhe light entities or is there a way to make the whole map illuminated with some other command?

2-is there a texture to make a chain link fence?

3-how do i make a decompressable shuttle bay?



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Originally posted by Autobot Traitor

1-im making a big map about the size of nathan's matrix map and i have to light it, do i have to use trhe light entities or is there a way to make the whole map illuminated with some other command?

Depends on what you have in the map and where it's located. If it's an outdoor map, you can use a light-emitting sky shader. If it's totally inside, you're pretty much limited to light entities and ambient light. And light emitting shaders, of course. Those look particularly good if used properly.

2-is there a texture to make a chain link fence?

Yep, but not with the stock version of JK2. Try asking Dad*Mad if you can use the one he made for his Snow duel maps - it's pretty good.

3-how do i make a decompressable shuttle bay?

I just answered this in another thread, but again, I have to reiterate that it's Wedge's [universal Solution to Everything] idea and not my own. You can see it in my post here. Wedge used this method to create his decompressable hangar in his Mars map.

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1) There are two ways to do this. The crappy way and the realistic way.


The crappy way is to go to the worldspawn and enter "color" "R G B" and "ambient" "<value>", where value is the amount of light you want. I'm only telling you this because SMALL amounts of ambient light can be useful, but never more than around 20 to reduce contrast on shadows and even out spot lights.


The realistic way to do this is to use a light-emitting skybox. You can pick one of the standard ones, or make your own. To make your own, edit youmapname.shader in notepad and add the following code:


qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky.tga
[b]q3map_skylight <amount> <iterations>
q3map_sun <R> <G> <B> <light> <heading> <elevation>[/b]
surfaceparm sky
surfaceparm noimpact
surfaceparm nomarks
skyParms textures/yourmap/yourskyimages 512 -


You're interested in the bold lines. q3map_skylight (only in q3map2) makes the sky emit light, use something like q3map_skylight 75 3. The line after that tells the compile where your sun is and how much light it emits. For a bright sun, use 200 for light, R G and B are the normalized RGB values of the sun's color, and heading and elevation are the measures in degrees of where the light comes from.


Making the skybox images themselves is another issue.


2) Hmmm. Check the Wadfather. If you can't find a suitable Q3 texture there, is there a map that has what you want, so you can contact the author for permission?


3) Here's a solution I used in my Mars map, to cause players to get sucked out of a hangar when the doors were opened:


Make your trigger_push to throw the players out. Target it at a target_position. Make the trigger_push be even with the floor of the room, but extend ONE unit above the floor. Then, make a clip brush a little bit wider and deeper than the trigger, that extends ONE unit above the trigger_push. Make this clip brush a func_door, opening down, speed 500 and silent. Take whatever will cause the decompression and target it at the clip door.


[edit: Beat me by a minute while I was typing! Aaaaahhh!!!!]

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