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Project Hasbro


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Project Hasbro? Erm... that's classified information... :p


Post the stupidest things Hasbro has done that makes you hate them so much!


Haha, I know most collectors dislike them alot if not hate them.


My number once complaint:


The remake the main characters over and over. They think a million Obi-Wans or Han Solos will sell over such figures as say... a podracer or cantina patron.


They're blind. Blind and stupid! (yah, I am fighting Darth Malak again in KotOR :p) The Fan Choice figure is always one of those individuals with little or no screen time.


1) Duros (forgot his name)

2) Amanaman

3) Ephant Mon

4) Concept Art Stormtrooper

5) Captain Antilles (?)


I want more figures like these, not a million Mauls and Vaders. But Hasbro knows that collectors such as myself, will keep getting the remakes cause they got some hold over us!


Add to the complaint list ;)

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Me and Taters both hate this....


Chewbacca Remakes.


Its Chewbacca, but they add a C3PO dead, or a gas mask. :rolleyes:


Another one is the Darth Mauls. As cool as they are, they are pointless. There arms just pose differently.....


Vaders are OK, Because they keep making them better. Most of the time, atleast ;)


They should make a Behind the Scenes collection, after Episode III, of every figure they never made. ;)

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Originally posted by Reclaimer

And I got three Wal-Marts...Damn you Katarn!


hehe, so do Daring and I. ;)


I went to a Wal Mart in Fort Myers, FLorida. They had all the new figures (Aayla Secura, Barris Offee, Lamu Su, Tusken Raider with Removable Head, Padme Droid Factory.....) But here in Mass, they have a few Saga Figures like Destroyer Droid, Battle Droid, Zam Wessel Sneak Peek, and Snaggletooth... O_o

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I hit 5-6 Wal-Marts. 3 of which I could get to on my own, the others are some miles away my dad takes me to every once in a while.


ALL of them are bad. I only found Han Hoth, guys. Calm down ;)


I have Palpatines, Djas Puhrs, Bearded Endor Soldiers, and Orn Free Tas all over each of them. Han was the only one that was not one of the above :rolleyes:


I agree with Z and Taters about all those then. But this thing Reclaimer brought up actually isn't Hasbro's fault ( :eek: ) it's Wal-Marts.

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No. It's Wal-Mart.




They ordered way to many of one assortment and cannot stock the new ones as they come in. And Wal-Mart isn't getting any non-basic figures due to the fact they have way to much that isn't even on the shelves yet. It was their fault for ordering so much of the stuff :rolleyes:


That over stocking thing happens to all stores. TRUs has way to many of one assortment in as well. Targets don't have anything here, but are stocking new stuff. It sells right away though. If they keep that up, they'll be able to get in every assortment and not get stuck with any :)

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Originally posted by Katarn07

No. It's Wal-Mart.




They ordered way to many of one assortment and cannot stock the new ones as they come in. And Wal-Mart isn't getting any non-basic figures due to the fact they have way to much that isn't even on the shelves yet. It was their fault for ordering so much of the stuff :rolleyes:


That over stocking thing happens to all stores. TRUs has way to many of one assortment in as well. Targets don't have anything here, but are stocking new stuff. It sells right away though. If they keep that up, they'll be able to get in every assortment and not get stuck with any :)


Yeh, its Wal Marts fault. Our Wal Mart had like a whole Eisle of Star Wars. All of it for Epsiode II. It was huge. They didn't sell most of it obiosuly. Now, they have a dinky things of like 8 figures in all. :rolleyes:

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lets put it like this, i have a prior poste you can find in z's guide.


its both wal mart and hasbros fault, wal mart ordered too many figures, and must have the worst marketing directors in all of retail,hasbro is stupid, in each boxearlier this year there were 3 figures max(thats 3 different) so the lickely hood of finding more than 3 figures was slim.

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Originally posted by daring dueler

lets put it like this, i have a prior poste you can find in z's guide.


its both wal mart and hasbros fault, wal mart ordered too many figures, and must have the worst marketing directors in all of retail,hasbro is stupid, in each boxearlier this year there were 3 figures max(thats 3 different) so the lickely hood of finding more than 3 figures was slim.



Doesn't matter. Wal Mart overstocked for most of the figures before Hasbro started to put like 3 figs in a box. Saga had a bunch of figures. Wal mart just bought to many, thinking peopel would buy them like Hotcakes. They were Wrong....

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not true, they just ordered too many , like hot cakes no....but if you remember toys r' us ordered, alot!, and they still have a large stock, but the sent older stuff back to hasbro, unlike a stupid wal-mart.


and because of poor sales, and for hasbros stupidity they dont want any thoing new that goinna take up more shelf space, shelf space is money. and hasbro send too many of the same figure, whichh they lkater thouht they corrected, by sending too few:mad:


damn them both

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  • 3 months later...

I see the lineup isn't too bad. I mean, a holo Luke is just such a cool idea. But there are a few remakes popping up that I don't care for. Lando Skiff, for example. I realize the other one is a PotF2, but all the figures that Lando skiff fits with are as well so a smaller, more realistic one is the one that would look outta place in my Jabba's palace scene.


Also, I hate them for recarding all the things they are but not as much as I do for all the resculpts.


Part of me hates them for not making a new line of Indy toys, but I know if that were to happen the vintage one's values would fall. Maybe just a 12" line of a few characters. An Indy, Marcus, Sallah, and Henry would be nice. And a Belloq, Mola Ram, and Donavan. And maybe the Indy girls. OK, I'm getting carried away again....

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