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W00t! W00t! Go Rebels!!!!


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I just got back from the massive raid that took place in Moenia. Man TIO got stomped, we had no casulties! There was maybe 200 rebels defending the city. Near the end we cornered them in a Guild Hall and killed them off! We caught them by surprise with a huge force. Now they will think twice before harassing Rebels intown. Lets have a big cheer for the people who slaughtered the TIO PA!:D





(Good thing I contacted The Guardians in time, they helped alot!:))


Drinks on me!:guiness:

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heh, next time take screenies!


Recently a bunch of rebs and I pulled a job outside of Tyrena...capturing an IMP PA hall and basically calling them out. Took them 30 minutes but they were able to mass a force of about 15 or so people + an AT-ST to face our group of 23 people (not including animals and backup reb troops). AT-ST freaked us all out, luckly we had covert recon out in the field that spotted it and told us who the owner was so we could cap him as quickly as possible...only had 2 casualties and only 1 deathblowed. We massacred them. I deathblowed one myself and took down 2 others. Awesome awesome stuff.

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Can't someone make a video? Like 30 to 60 seconds long showing a big fight between rebels and imperials?


AT-ST freaked us all out, luckly we had covert recon out in the field that spotted it and told us who the owner was so we could cap him as quickly as possible...

Umm... can I ask you something?


Are you saying that when the owner of a vehicle dies, the vehicle dies? Or didn't he make it into the AT-ST in time? In short, how do the AT-STs work?

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That's what they all say, TIO was yelling "The Rebels will die!", well it looks to me that they died :). THat was a great victory. If only it was on a battlefield. TIO vs 300+ Rebels. Yeah Jo that lag was intense. Hehe, I don't think they expected that much resistance from us. We knew about the raid THAT morning from our SpyNetwork. We got our forces and stomped them out. They just had a small taste of the Rebellion. :) Just because you have AT-STs doesn't mean your strong :). We can destroy those too :p.

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HAHA nice, recently, we did a raid from anchorhead to bestine.


A guy near the Cantina was yelling that there was to be a raid on Anchor from the imps at bestine, which he got from a covert rebel friend in bestine. He said there was 2 groups forming. So quickly multiple groups were formed and probably between 40 - 60 people we're ready to defend....no imps yet, lets go out of the city and meet them head on. We get out there, and no imps. The imps were still forming they're groups.


So **** defending, we're doing a raid. My zoom on my compass is set to 128, the whole thing had a line of rebels through it, we moved so orderly around that city, adn we slaughtered. Everywhere I turned, there was just CHAOS!


I died from a stormy, hehe, but sure enough I took out some imps...good stuff

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

Are you saying that when the owner of a vehicle dies, the vehicle dies? Or didn't he make it into the AT-ST in time? In short, how do the AT-STs work?


AT-STs are like pets, basically you are a commander of the AT-ST and crew telling them where to go etc. So we were able to cap the owner of AT-ST because he and his bunch came at us full throttle and didn't use all that much strategy, while we had all discussed earlier only to use all headshots if possible and those who couldn't would do what DMG they could. Plus, like I said, we had coverts scouting out the area. (Covert artisans and the like, they wouldn't have lasted long in the battle, so they chose to watch and give recon instead of risking a quick death)

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I implore you. Please save the Rebels at Anchorhead. Would you rally all your rebels friends and help defeat the Imperials that have taken control of Anchorhead. Furthermore, start an alliance and start a guildwar with the evil Fatalis.


We need as many targets as possible :)

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