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B-Wing squadron?


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good question. it's been a long time since i've looked this up, so i might have mixed some things up...but anyway, according to canon, b-wings belonged to grey squadron. but the cockpit structure of grey leader, whom u can see when he sounds off in the battle of endor, matches that of a y-wing. decipher's customizable card came (CCG) tried to fix this up by claiming that grey squadron consisted of BOTH bombers--y-wings and b-wings-- with colonel horton salm as grey leader in his y-wing. the CCG also states that there's a blue squadron in existence (which is mentioned in the ROTJ novel but not in the movie, i think), which consists of both a-wings (which're also mentioned in aaron allston's novel 'wraith squadron') and b-wings. Ten Nunb, a sullustan who's related to nien nunb, was apparently flying as blue 5 in a b-wing, which fits into the pilot uniform he was wearing on the Home One's bridge.


and i believe they're called 'wings' rather than 'squadrons'... squadrons consist of 12 craft each while a wing consists of at least 36.


so, in a nut shell, b-wings are in both blue wing & grey wing.


They mighta just been random people who snuck in behind the rebels. Or they mighta just been late to the whole calling in thing.

great guess. :D

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The movie should have shown the groups flying together or something. It gets really confusing. And it's squadron not wing...


The cockpit structure of Grey Leader seemed more like a B-Wing then a Y-Wing. The curve of the cockpit showed it. The curve seemed to be more important like a B-Wing while the Y-Wing's curve is not as important.

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Actually, Luke's Dad, I don't think the cockpit was curved at all. To me, Grey Leader's cockpit looks like either a Y-Wing or an X-Wing - and the fact that there are X-Wings in the background support the idea it could be an X-Wing. However, I believe it is a Y-Wing cockpit. If that is the case, the wing leaders are:


Gold Leader: Lando in the Falcon

Red Leader: Wedge in an X-Wing

Green Leader: A-Wing

Grey Leader: Y-Wing


So I'm of the opinion the B-Wings were in Gold Group, because as was already mentioned it would be a bit weird Lando being in a group by himself.


And they are Wings, hence "All wings report in".

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  • 1 month later...
If you saw the movie you pretty much know that when they were hypering, there wasn't enough fighters to compose four wings(144 fighters) THere was obviously not that much(if you see it arcording to the movie only).

that's on the assumption that the craft seen were the ONLY rebel craft to have fought at endor. i don't think that's the case....there's no fu king way that a dozen or so starfighters could've taken on TIEs from about a dozen star destroyers (carryinga wing a piece) and the death star II proper.


and even if they were squadrons, the number of fighters wouldve amounted to about 50 fighters....WAY more than what u see in the show.



These are all nice theories so far but nothing cannon yet.

actually, it IS canon. like what jan said, it was in the script. just coz it wasn't screened in the movie doesn't mean it's not canon. and besides, DECIPHER is an official star wars company. what it says goes.... as continuity, anyway.




and according to canon (ROTJ script & novelization), there was a blue group (which, for some, reason didn't report in in the movie). it was lead by some captain Merrick Simm in an a-wing. b-wings are also said to be present in blue wing.


gold group might indeed have consisted of b-wings.... but then again, when lando called red & gold groups in for the attack on the death star itself, no b-wings came along. there's another point to consider-- a-wings, x-wings & y-wings were seen to enter the death star? could there be a-wings in either red or gold groups, or both? and if all the x-wings were in red group, does that mean that at the time of entr into the DSII, NO x-wings were present outside? i don't think so....


incidentally, i think a few fighters from green wing are said to have joined in the actual attack on the DSII but were pulled out coz ackbar needed them, according to the novel. could they be the a-wings which entered the dS infrastucture? in that case, it all fits in..... well, mostly.

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the CCG also states that there's a blue squadron in existence (which is mentioned in the ROTJ novel but not in the movie, i think)


Well, in a similar case in ANH , Luke originally was intended to be a part of Blue squadron, he still is in the novel, but then our smart boys at ILM realised that couldn't work due to the blue screens, the blue markings would then appear as transparent on screen, so blue squadron got quickly renamed to red squadron. ^.^

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

Well, in a similar case in ANH , Luke originally was intended to be a part of Blue squadron, he still is in the novel, but then our smart boys at ILM realised that couldn't work due to the blue screens, the blue markings would then appear as transparent on screen, so blue squadron got quickly renamed to red squadron. ^.^

It's not really the same thing, as in that case the movie clearly contradicts the novel, whereas in the RotJ example it does not. But it's an unintentional contradiction as I believe the novel was already published before the movie?


In any event, the movie goes off with the victory: It's Red Squadron. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
b-wings were developed not by the Rebels but by some aliens whose species start with a V

the verpines helped develop it. and from that point of view, the rebels technically didn't develop any of their craft... the x-wing was designed by incom which was, at the time of the x-wing's invention, still an independent company. the y-wings were manufactured by koensayr, e-wings by frei'tek....all companies which weren't really part of the 'rebel alliance' officially. they were merely composed of rebel sympathizers who donated the craft to the rebeliion. the verpines didn't develop the b-wing as a race....a few verpine rebel sympathizers collaborated with the then-commander Ackbar to design it.


and incidentally, might wanna check out this thread for more info on the battle of endor and its participants, b-wings and others:


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  • 2 weeks later...

benTantilles: Since the novel contradicts much of the movie (or has just plain silly bits like Jerjerrod ordering the DS2 to blow up Endor... WTF?) I hesitate to draw it in as evidence.


And Lando says "Red Group, Gold Group, all fighters follow me" which could either be interpreted as just fighters from Red and Gold group; or Red Group, Gold Group and all other fighters. I tend to accept the second interpretation considering the assortment of fighters that follow him.

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