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Flip kicks - they still there?


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Originally posted by Emon

That's a different flip kick I think, he means the JO kick. I have no problem with it as long as it isn't cheap.


Well, I think a lot of the moves we're familiar with have been 'teaked' or 'altered'. The Flip Kick on the site looks 'similar' to the old JO one, but not exactly the same. Mind you, it's hard to tell in those little videos, without seeing it in the gaming environment.

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They said they'd include the matrix run-along the wall thing i think, or is that just me :confused:


But the flip of the wall thing was in JK2, i believe and the new kick moves look awesome, but the moves for the Saber Staff seem so limited, i guess there going for total realism :)

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Originally posted by praenuntius

I'm pretty certain you won't be able to kick with anything but the lightstaff.


Probably the kick you do with the lightstaff replaces the saber throw since it would be quite difficult to throw a staff.

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Nemios, we're talking about the flip-kick. You know, the double-tap jump/single tap sideways jump kick? Yeah. I really hope that stays, otherwise single-sabre and dual-sabre wielders can't really knock someone down near as easily as a sabre-staff wielder.

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The thing was, in JK2, the "kick" people are talking about is really just a "wall jump" (side or forward "wall flip") done on the "body" of an enemy.


You flip off them, you hear a "smacking" sound as your feet hit them and they get knocked back or knocked to the ground.


We know that the Wall Flips are still there (and not limited to the Saberstaff) so does that mean that flip kicks are still in?


Perhaps, perhaps not. They could have simply removed them... meaning that a wall flip would either just launch you off an enemy body without damage or knockback, or else you would just stupidly "hop" in front of them and accomplish nothing.


Recall also that the "wall flip/wall jump" move was in JK2 SP and MP, but the "flip kick" was only in MP.


I hope they are still in, but that's a very good question...


The "kick" for the Saberstaff is a totally different move. It's a "standing kick" or a "jump kick" like you'd see in a standard Double Dragon fighting game. There are several variants. The closest thing to the JK2 "flip kick" for the saber staff is the move that lets you "kick up" from a knockdown. But still not the same thing at all.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

The "kick" for the Saberstaff is a totally different move. It's a "standing kick" or a "jump kick" like you'd see in a standard Double Dragon fighting game. There are several variants. The closest thing to the JK2 "flip kick" for the saber staff is the move that lets you "kick up" from a knockdown. But still not the same thing at all.

Very true. I think that has led to the confusion (at least for me :) ) about whether the flip kick, or any kick for that matter, is available to non-lightstaff users. I'll I've seen any references to the "regular" kick of the lightstaff. Now that doesn't confirm or deny the existence of the flip-kick, but the fact that I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere leads me to believe it has been removed. I could be wrong, of course.


Personally, I dont really care if it has been left in or taken out. It is always nice to have as many "weapons" as possible, but if Raven decided that in JO it caused too many problems, I can certain understand that.

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