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Dark Forces 2 Mod


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To the maker of the Dark Forces mod:

Please make it for Jedi Outcast!!!!!

Please make it for Jedi Outcast!!!!!

Please make it for Jedi Outcast!!!!!

Please make it for Jedi Outcast!!!!!

Please make it for Jedi Outcast!!!!!

Please make it for Jedi Outcast!!!!!

Please make it for Jedi Outcast!!!!!

Please make it for Jedi Outcast!!!!!

Please make it for Jedi Outcast!!!!!

Please make it for Jedi Outcast!!!!!


I bring this up because I read the following from http://darkforces.jediknightii.net/.:

"The Dark Forces MOD for Jedi Knight II (possibly Jedi Academy) "


I don't intend on buying Jedi Academy because my wife won't allow me. (Yeah I am aware that I am whipped beyond hope.) She did let me get Jedi Outcast however. Please, finish the mod and make it for Jedi Outcast, not for Jedi Academy.


I BEG of you.....you're my only hope!!!!!



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Well, jedispy, hate to burst your bubble, but the mod team's done practically everything but fully declare that the Dark Forces mod will be for Jedi Academy. Suffice to say, it will most likely (in fact, I am sure of it) be for JA. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that JO is out of the question. We know that mods for JO will be able to run on JA. It's entirely possible that it could go the other way around as well. (provided the JA mod is not too advanced for JO or utilizes any of the new features in JA) So who knows? It might run on JO.

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Actually, it is out of the question. JA already has AI in MP. You wanna know what the last build of the DF mod had for a stormtrooper? An invisible collide box that made noise. That was about it. Things aren't really going to get done with JO, it's just not feasible.

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TK98309482ML makes a point. A marriage is a mutual relationship, you wife should not be allowed to stop you from buying or playing video games. If she doesn't want you to buy video games (like if you spend too much time with them), that's one thing, but if she's actually not allowing you to buy them, I think you need to stand up for yourself or talk it out with her...

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