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Single saber/Double saber


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I was wondering about single saber & double sabers. I am refering to Anakin in Ep2, here we have Ana. with one saber getting another to use. Is it possible to choose single saber at the start of the game, and during the game can we,say like force pull another saber from a fallen enemy to use as two blades?

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Originally posted by nykel007

I was wondering about single saber & double sabers. I am refering to Anakin in Ep2, here we have Ana. with one saber getting another to use. Is it possible to choose single saber at the start of the game, and during the game can we,say like force pull another saber from a fallen enemy to use as two blades?

I agree with StormHammer - you will likely be 'trained' in double sabers before you can use it. It is almost too bad that you can't grab the saber and try to fight, and lose the second saber after one saber hit and say 'I guess I'm not ready for that yet!' :)



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Yeah, sounds like this would end up not happening unless it was a "mutator" type mod, so instead of "dual enforcers" in UT, think "dual sabers."


Perhaps by making throwable sabers losable and the ability to pick up a second saber off a dead enemy in MP to use two for awhile (until you died).

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Originally posted by StormHammer

That would actually be cool as a one-off scripted event. ;)

That's what I was thinking - you could pull a saber from a dead enemy or from a missed throw, and get that scripted event, but then after you couldn't grab the saber. Seems like a lot of work for one cute line though ...



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Originally posted by txa1265

That's what I was thinking - you could pull a saber from a dead enemy or from a missed throw, and get that scripted event, but then after you couldn't grab the saber. Seems like a lot of work for one cute line though ...




Maybe...but not if it was part of a longer cut scene where you were facing a Dark Jedi enemy. An attempt to use two sabers...then you're taught a hard lesson by your opponent and the second saber is destroyed in a short, sharp battle...before you are placed back in control...

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Originally posted by nykel007

I understand the idea of training with to sabers. But I still find that we should at least have some level of fighting ability (mimium for example) so that we can be at a basic level with dual sabers in terms to opponents.

What are your thoughts on how such a thing would be implemented? Would you always be able to grab sabers from enemies? Could they grab yours?



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It seems like a fair amount of work for little gain. Besides, it might unbalance things a bit in the sense that player wouldn't invest in the two saber style if they could just pick up an extra lightsaber along the way. I suspect that they implemented these seperate stances with this in mind.

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Originally posted by txa1265

It is almost too bad that you can't grab the saber and try to fight, and lose the second saber after one saber hit and say 'I guess I'm not ready for that yet!'

That would be nice, especially as a scripted event as SH said. However, considering you'll get to choose your speciality at one point in the game or another (single, dual, or staff), it might conflict with your story if you went with single in the end.


From a Star Wars point of view though, it would work. No one in the Star Wars universe seems especially gifted with one technique over another. Maul goes from using his staff effectively to using a single saber and efficiently disposes of Obi Wan. Anakin and Dooku (who's scene while he uses dual sabers was ultimately cut) both go from single, to dual, to single again.


SP, I can see it possibly being a scripted event. MP though, I doubt it. I think it might be difficult to balance. Maybe the next game though, and if not, probably in a mod.

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Aye, and in terms of single player, I doubt a beginning Jedi could handle two sabers , he'd probably end up cutting his own hand off if he picked up a saber from the first fallen saber wielding friend/enemy that he finds. So I don't mind that they don't become accessible untill later in the game.

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Anakin could handle two sabers in AOTC, and he was only a Padawan (he'd been training for ten years with Obi-Wan).


Though of course he was the "Chosen One" so perhaps he had that going for him, but still... Obi-Wan trusted him.


In the EU timeline, most of the students have probably not been trained that long, and Kyle has only been a teacher for 1 year at most. So who knows...



Btw, I would like to point out that in Mysteries of the Sith, Jedi would always have their sabers, but non-Jedi classes (Scout, Bounty Hunter, Soldier) could pick up a saber that a Jedi threw but forgot to retrieve, or from a dead Jedi's backpack (in JK and MotS dead characters dropped all their weapons, not just the last one in their hands at death like in JK2). While Jedi's sabers could not be pulled away, non-Jedi's COULD.


There were even Lightsaber pickups in some maps. Of course in MotS you could not use two lightsabers (in JK1, one of the Dark Jedi, Boc could use two, but he was an enemy NPC), so pulling away an enemy saber just removed it from play.


Something similar could be implemented into JA as a mod if somebody had the time and desire...

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