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Jk3 Mapping


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I did a search on this before but I couldn't find anything really specific


Since I heard Jk3 is coming out on Sep. 16 when are the mapping tools for jk3 coming out? I heard its going to be released on the same day but I'm not absolutely sure.


Also I heard its going to be gtk. What version? And can someone tell me a list of mapping tools for jk2 and which is the best? I was reading on the forums how there could be on and off lighting? Is that true? I thought that only worked for sp. Could it work in mp with another mapping tool? Would I be able to take my map and bring it between different tools and have no various effects? I let someone I knew autocaulk my map with jk2radiant and it screwed a lot of stuff up.


Oh by the way I finished my map!:)http://www.pcgamemods.com Its the LoD map. Here's the quick link




I had to fix a lot of problems from letting that person auto caulk it. Thus I forgot one thing after alllll those checks. The windows in the duel room were 1 way! But I forgot so the duelists will be able to see out the windows:(


Anyways theres lots of neato stuff in it like buttons and switches and junk:) Its great fun, but anyways theres a secret button in the red room at the foot of the stairs to the right, when you're facing the door. You'll just have to walk around pressing the use button, maybe while ducking.


Anyways I hope to re-release it in jk3 when the time comes:)

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You don't even have to make changes to your map - if you're using textures included with JK2 though, you'll have to include them in the pak, as not all textures from JK2 are in JA.


But for all intents and purposes, any map for JK2 will load up fine in JA.


And -game ja is a little switch you can add to the command lines (easiest to do with a program like Q3Map2Toolz) when compiling a map.


You'll probably want to redo some of your map though once a version of GtK Radiant with support for JA is released to take advantage of some of the neat stuff it can do. But you can continue to make maps for JA with the version of GtK Radiant you should be using now. If you don't have GtK Radiant, you can get it here.

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no jk3 radiant? they will need to release and icarus II program, so i think they will make jk3 radiant, or make a patch for jk2 radiant. anyways, why wont they include the textures from jk2? Half of the jk2 maps will be missing over half of the textures. The files would be huge when they release it again for ja.... if they are going to.

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

no jk3 radiant? they will need to release and icarus II program, so i think they will make jk3 radiant, or make a patch for jk2 radiant. anyways, why wont they include the textures from jk2? Half of the jk2 maps will be missing over half of the textures. The files would be huge when they release it again for ja.... if they are going to.

No one said there wouldn't be a JK3 Radiant, but as this ISN'T JK3, it probably won't be released now.

Just like before, they'll probably have something like JA Radiant, and then GtK Radiant will be updated to include support for JA.


They probably won't include textures from JK2 because it's a different game with new textures - including all the textures from JK2 would really bump up the file size, and I've heard it's going to be on 2 discs anyway, so...

I doubt that Raven would release the JK2 maps for JA, and if people want to play the them in JA, they can move the textures from their JK2 folder themselves.

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Well...if by "JKA" you mean "the JA Demo," then of COURSE they wouldn't include all the files for the full game in a PREVIEW!


If by "JKA" you mean "the unofficial leaked pirated early JA beta," then of COURSE not everything is included, since it's a BETA, and it's UNOFFICIAL!


And anyways, of COURSE not all the JK2 textures will be in JA, since it is a WHOLE NEW STANDALONE GAME. And OF COURSE there will be SOME old JK2 textures, since why waste them if they have them?


[/sacrastic Captain Obvious voice]


According to the LucasArts web site, in their FAQ section, Raven is using a "modified version of GtkRadiant and q3map2" to develop and compile their maps for Jedi Academy. This means that yes, there is a "JARadiant" of sorts, in the form of this "modified GtkRadiant." But since it's based on Gtk and not JK2Radiant, it won't suck or be unstable or anything. And yes, they'll most likely release the "modified JA-GtkRadiant" along with the whole JA editing tools package, which will probably also include all the tools necessary to compile JA scripts, as well as all the tools necessary to do anything, as editing tool releases tend to do.


About the textures--remember that they're not building JA so that we can all port our everything to it, they're building it as a whole standalone game. So, lukeskywalker1, in your statement that "half the JK2 maps will be missing half their textures," well, yeah. If the JK2 maps are loaded in JA, which they weren't designed to do in the first place. If you build your JK2 map with textures not included in JA, it's a small matter to include them (well, it'll push the file size up, so you decide whether it's better to include old textures or convert to new ones thart come with JA).


I personally plan to rework all or part of my maps when I port them, so this stuff should be pretty trivial.

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No one's drawing conclusions. We're making predictions based on past evidence.


People's Exhibit # 1 - The crapiness of JK2Radiant. Static, unchanging. Full of bugs. Default Compiler leaves much to be desired.


People's Exhibit # 2 - The glory of GtKRadiant. Dynamic, constantly updated. Stable & Developmental versions identify and fix bugs. Default compiler is constantly updated and changing.


Based on the evidence, one could predict that GtKRadiant will be better than "JARadiant." However, JARadiant is likely to be released first, so many people will probably use that then switch to GtK once a suitable version is developed.

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Yes, and who knows why they do so?


Maybe they've got some sort of head injury? Makes them say, "No, I want to use an editor with a much more awkward interface. Additionally, I'd like my compiles to be much slower with almost no control over how it compiles. In effect, I'm intentionally handicapping myself and my capacity to make great maps."


I think maybe I've heard one or two people say that. :D

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