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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/20 in all areas

  1. Inclusivity is never a bad thing, for any of those you listed. There are black and brown voice actors who are not being hired for black and brown characters because white voice actors are hired in their place. There are paraplegic actors who are not being hired because able-bodied actors are being hired in their place. Trevor Noah put the situation quite well over the controversy surrounding the original intention for Scarlett Johansson to play a transgender man, before she stepped down so an actual transgender man could play the role. Paraphrasing Mr. Noah, "The issue isn't that [non-minority actors] can't play the part. It's that [they] can play the part as well as any other part they want to play". Minorities don't get that option, especially in the voice realm, since casting directors will often go with a non-minority actor, meaning the opportunities they actually do get are few and far between. The changes that are happening now are making sure that the playing field is fair, where it absolutely wasn't before, and that's actually taking the to industry to a really good place.
    4 points
  2. The modern sensibilities change as time passes and politics shift. The dangerous slide is to try and respect the most loud complaints. It's hiring and firing/dismissing based on skin color, it's "respecting" that an actor cannot voice a black character because he/she are not black themselves, it's "respecting' that an actor cannot portray a paraplegic because he is not paraplegic himself. This goes on of course, it's not just two or three examples, and all just in the past year. It's a slide towards a really bad place.
    1 point
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