I've been thinking for a while how much I'd love to have a framed print of some Monkey Island 2 background art. I was looking through the collection of what's been released - which we're lucky to have - but I was sad that some of my favorite backgrounds are not among them. Like Woodtick, or the exterior of the International House of Mojo. We do have a very low res scan of the interior, and I thought, what if I tried using one of these new AI tools to upres that and see if I can get something print-worthy?
But then I wondered... what would happen if I put the original pixel art backgrounds through it? I thought the results were interesting enough to share:
Then I wondered, why not try some Monkey 1 backgrounds too?
Perhaps not quite as successful since they weren't originally hand drawn, but I thought it was still interesting. I know these are all poor mans attempts at getting something we don't have, but people more talented than me could probably turn these into something pretty nice.