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Status Updates posted by Master_Archon

  1. Lol, yes well, thank you all the same, at least you noticed! :D

  2. Lol! I see you're distracted with something else, probably Skype, since you're making such....Short replies.

  3. Lol! Well you still got to it fast enough, thanks, and a happy Birthday to you Rex, yours should be Tuesday I believe. Unless I'm wrong, then I too wish you a very good one (better than mine I hope).

  4. LOL! Well, that's funny! Though sad too, since I don't have Reach, and I can't afford it. No job and all that jazz. Ah well, I'll post, even though I posted rather recently, but, I'll figure something out. :whtsmile:

  5. LOL! Ah that's too bad buddy. Still you were able to play Deadpool from what I could tell. :)

  6. Mm? It'd take me a bit, I'd have to (re)download it. My computer went through some changes, so I no longer have Skype, but I can get on if you want.

  7. Nah, I think I'm good right now, got enough on my plate.

  8. Ninja!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. No, I haven't been on in awhile, but I'll check.

  10. No, I signed up as Master_Archon, same title as on here.

  11. No....Why do you ask?

  12. Nope, never read it, not even in school. What's it about?

  13. Oh, it's the greatest, second time getting it too! It's like double the fun and a joygasm to boot.

  14. Oh, nothin', just getting my emotions tangled up in a knot, and then thrown around like a volleyball. Other than that, I'm good :D !

  15. Ok, ok, sorry, I'll get on it.

  16. Okay, gimme awhile, I need to get it downloading.

  17. On where? XBL, or Skype? Or here? Or here and XBL? Or XBL and Skype? Or here and Skype? Or here, Skype, and XBL? Hmmmmmm?

  18. P.S.S.S....S? - I still say you should redo the Brieder Wars RP :D . Just sayin'.

  19. Please be patient with my response in the Purge LDR, I haven't had much time lately with work, and other things. I'll try having Poteryannyĭ say something soon enough though.

  20. Please contact me tonight on XBL Cyborg, must....TALK!

  21. Salutations, and happy birthday!

  22. Should I post yet Tysy? I got no reply from the PM I sent you, and I've been waiting as patiently as possible for a reply.

  23. Since Elves are ageless, and often come first when it comes to fantasy races, would you mind me mentioning them being the 'Third' created by the One? Or is that spot reserved for something else?

  24. Since I have the go-ahead as the Purge General/Leader, should I make a character sheet like LDR did with his, Officer, or just leave the characterization open like with Aedan Cousland in the Dragon Age RP?

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