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Bee Hoon

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Everything posted by Bee Hoon

  1. Anyway, I go sreepz now. Good night Niner!

  2. Ahhhh so evil! How come your Male Shepard didn't wanna boink her? :lol:

  3. How did *you* end it?;P


    They boinked!:o I preferred the scene when Shepard was grouchy, but CarthAidan is quite failsauce at counseling. His complaining tangent just made me feel even more depressed=p

  4. The good way, but I have a quicksave from just before, so I think I'll try ending it the renegade way:p

  5. Oh btw, I finished Mass Effect. And I liked FF7 as well, despite it being an odd number :lol:

  6. Aw, don't be sad! I'll still spam you at night! :D

  7. On weekdays, yeah:p

  8. Is it supposed to grab you by the throat?:3


    Hehe, I haven't played that many Final Fantasy games, so can't comment.

  9. Hehe, perhaps. Oh btw, I got me a part-time job at my uni. Will be there until Septemberish!

  10. Yeah, all of them are so small! :p Did you play FF9?

  11. Lol, I could see why that might cause problems :lol: Mmm, it does sound interesting. I do admit to being a sucker for good voiceovers, which is why I obsessed over Atton, and now Bishop:P

  12. Dang, the one I didn't play :p Hmm, Squall and Rinoa were okayish--I liked Squall being all cute and protective. Tidus and Yuna--sad ending:( And Tidus kinda gets on my nerves, but they still make quite a cute couple!

  13. Okay okay:) So what is your favourite game romance, out of curiosity?

  14. Lol! Why 12?? :lol: Er, no boinky noises at all. Anyway, his tone of voice often varies wildly from one line to another. E.g. an urgent :Joker's waiting for you on the deck!" is immediately followed by, "You're the first woman to..." in a smexy-ish voice. Plus, he can't help it that Kaidan was written to be an eternal pessimist. When he was trying to comfort my Shepard, he went off on a complaining tangent and I felt even more depressed:/

  15. Of writing! :p Well, yeah. And the romance was kinda disappointing. I mean, they did get to boink, but no flirt flirt and I'm not really crazy about Rafael Sbarge's voiceover:(

  16. Inyri, I'm permanently afraid of not living up to previous standards!


    On another note, I finished Mass Effect. Yay!

  17. *snorts* Indeed it is. Awww, Revan and Exile holding noses <3 Dammit, I so have to put that into my fic. Somehow!

  18. I finished! I went Paragon all the way, unfortunately:p I think Kaidan PHAILS for not showing any particular grief and for not giving Shepard a hug at the end. Lousy!

  19. I wonder what they call tapirs' little trunks...? :p Anyway, that's how they would hold hands. Awww!

  20. I'm sure that my exile would make a very cute tapir :lol: I really must stop these Mary-Sue tendencies!

  21. Nooo must have more angst! I have not written any angsty KotOR fics since last year!

  22. Good:) Inyri I do not like writer's block ;_;

  23. Awww....That's bad! Tell those evil delivery people to hurry up or the tapirs will get them. In the dark.



  24. Jimbo doesn't seem like the violent type, but you'll never know! *imagines Jimbo singing "I would do anything for love"*

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