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Bee Hoon

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Everything posted by Bee Hoon

  1. I'll be back next Thursday, but not sure when I will return to the Skypez:P Here's to hoping that my Mandarin suddenly improves exponentially :p Hee, I just played an infiltrator actually. Sniping was REALLY hard early on, but then I found stabilizing upgrades and stuff. Now it seems odd to not be sniping!

  2. Shanghai/Hangzhou/Suzhou/Wuxi and maybe more O.o It's one of those insane tours that whisk you out of the hotel at 6am (sigh). Yay, jon jon is nice;) Oh, since you're a Mass Effect fan, I must say that the endgame of Mass Effect is great fun. And that using Lift and Singularity while you're tromping around outside the Citadel tends to make dumb geth float off into space. Muahaha!

  3. Motivated? *raises eyebrow* Oh, I'm going to China tomorrow, yay! First visit to the motherland:P

  4. Congrats again! Hee, I'm not much for serious debate, esp since this forum is more of recreation for me. Reading walls of text without any plot and scandalous characters gives me a headache:P I'm going to China tmrw! Visit the motherland, woot.


    P.S. Erm, I'm an ethnic Chinese btw. Not sure whether I've mentioned this.

  5. Zomg that pic you posted on Achilles' profile is Kenny Sia! He's a very popular Malaysian blogger. You should try reading his blog...humour is a tad crude, but hilarious nonetheless.

  6. Jon, when did you become a mod??:o Congrats!

  7. I'm proud to say that I have thus far avoided the evils of two girls and a cup:P

  8. Wanna give it a go? :p

  9. Uh, TonyK's Companion and Monster AI, the spell fix pack, The Complete Craftsman, a mysterious file labeled jeg_custom_death.NSS (I don't know what it came with, meh), the revert pack for heads and warlock armour, a bunch of hairstyles and heads.


    Imma on Skype nao!

  10. Is Spore that nice?:)

  11. Hmm, that kinda makes me think of Minority Report (I think? Anyway, some movie with Tom Cruise and psychic chick floating in a tank). I fear to click on 4chan links these days, no thanks to jaymack :lol:

  12. <3 your avatar Niner:D

  13. Inyrikins, I am excessively proud of my Bishop sim and my bard's sim incarnation acting all cutesy and sweet:D

  14. Yes it is!! <3 I love the cleaning bot as well. Foreign contaminant detected!

  15. Sowwie, have been occupied :p I love how the way her eyes narrow and she cocks her gun at EVERYTHING. Ch-chk... BOOM.

  16. You should! It makes for good light entertainment. Nice avatar, btw:) Where is it from?

  17. Nineeeer! I finally watched Wall-E and OMG SO CUTE! I love Eve, and shall name my next Shepard after her. And be excessively trigger happy :D

  18. I finally watched Wall-E, and omg omg so cute! Bring back Wall-E and the immortal cockroach!:p

  19. The lolcat Bible made my head hurt, but is full of awesome anyway :lol:

  20. Dev can I rot your brain with a fluffy NWN2 fic? :p

  21. I hear and obey:P

  22. Aye, 23 years of age is venerable by any measurement;p

  23. I was in the UK last year, and my parents are presumably feeling much poorer for it;p No more trips there for long long time! The older ones aren't *that* much younger!:p It the church. Christian Fellowship did (and still does) camps annually, but I never attended ;P

  24. Unless you arbitrarily decide that you'd rather have a different birthday and neglect to inform us of your TRUE spiritual birthday *insert meditating smiley*

  25. When you say kids, exactly how kiddy are they? :p 9 days?! *salutes J7* That's incredible. I would have passed out by day 5 or so :lol: I haven't been on a Christian camp for years, but everytime I went, I would inevitably cry my eyes out during confession/worship/whatever emo thing they dished up.


    Random: I've been reading the Old Testament, and I just goggled when Jael drove a tent peg through an enemy king's head O.o

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