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Bee Hoon

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Everything posted by Bee Hoon

  1. *resists urge to pry* I'm just such a busybody:p Bah, I'm working part-time at my uni now, except it's full time hours (8 to 5 everyday! *dies*) and I'm so sick of filing! Just till next week, thank God, or I'd turn into a pile of rice flour.

  2. So was my lookalike cute in pink? :p Inyri stop me from writing awful soppy fanfiction! And I wanna read what you wrote for TJC and did not enter >.>

  3. In a bit, I need to shower!

  4. Oh, I'm sure that it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that we're fellow Orientals, and everything to do with my holiday mysteriously coinciding with yours.


    *shifty look*


    Oh, where's Kapalua? An island, I presume? Can I haz Inyri pics?

  5. How did you like it?:D

  6. Inyrikins, are you home yet? And hopefully not sunburned?

  7. I would eat it--well, nibble it, really, but I'm not quite that flexible. Ewwww cut it ioff and make soap like they did in Fight Club!

  8. Stuff? *raises eyebrow*


    Hehe, sounds cool! Local slang is terribly fun--most languages in Malaysia have words from other languages mixed in now. It does help to fill in the gaping holes in English xD I guess that's the benefit of knowing multiple languages :p

  9. I am extremely gushy! I really need some different inspiration. Maybe I should work on the T3 fic. T3!<3 I was on holiday, and I put on weight!D:

  10. Yes? :p Sorry, was talking to friend's mum.

  11. Why hate?:( I'm just back from holiday myself. Hope you're enjoying Hawaii!

  12. Why not? You read the Twilight thingamajig, did you not? I am home from a holiday! Zzzz.

  13. No entry?:( I thought you said that you were taking part!

  14. You didn't enter! D:

  15. By staying up for 48 hours??

  16. Reset your biological clock NOW, Devon.

  17. Lol, maybe it's just 'cuz I play with the wackiest bunch of people :p I just finished reading Kite Runner. It is a most excellent book! You should read it! (If you haven't already)

  18. Something along the lines of how you would destroy me in the most unimaginable way possible if I didn't devote my life to playing Torment until my brain leaked out of my ears and nourished the spiritually poor of the world?

  19. Yay, I got Torment working!

  20. What kinda jobs are available during the holidays? I actually was looking at a work and travel in the USA program thing, but I missed the summer season thanks to my exams and have no intentions of going for the winter season.


    Yeah, and I'll drink more coffee and Milo (chocolate malt) on their expense :p


    USA is so far away!

  21. Being sreepy! I still am.

  22. Yes, it is:P

  23. Yes it is :p Toldja that I am old for my age :lol: It's pretty fun actually.

  24. It made me lol :lol: Ninar I am enigmatic when I play bridge!

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