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Bee Hoon

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Status Updates posted by Bee Hoon

  1. Lol that guy is so emo :lol:


    I wanna watch this! http://www.repo-opera.com/

  2. Lol yeah. The sniffer dogs are cute though :p I miss my dog so much! I keep getting really distracted whenever I see dogs on the street and dogs on tv :p Don't worry, unless you have anarchist tendencies, customs won't be a problem :p


    On the other hand, I'd rather go see my boyfriend in Brisbane. He visited for a week and just left on Saturday, sigh. I'd gotten used to not having him around, but now it's bad all over again.

  3. Lol, the second flirt dialogue was kinda PHAIL:P


    *obsesses* Must complete side quests rawr.

  4. Lol! Well, there's not a whole lot of room for idealism in Malaysia if you're an ethnic minority:/


    Don't be cynical though. Life has its pleasant surprises, and you're too young to be an old, grizzled and jaded man.

  5. Many would beg to differ on that point! Haha, you've worked hard for it;D Enjoy feeling smug :p


    Well, that's bit harsh. Some people just don't do well in academics, whether out of disinterest or whatever. That having been said, an education isn't a guarantee of future prosperity. Some of the richest men in Malaysia are secondary school dropouts. And why would IB allow that, hmm?


    Destroyed? Strong words! :lol: Why do you say that?


    Oh yes! Dragons are cool, don't kill them=p Familiar with the Chinese zodiac?


    Thanks for the review!:D

  6. Mooshy! <3 Quick Niner, go and post in the Nausea thread. Juno suddenly seems to be a popular names for spunky heroines :p The Juno in Metamorphoses is srsly p*ssed off all the time, and rather vindictive:/ Wouldn't want to name your daughter after her!


    I want to psycho the bf into buying it for PS3, but feel guilty:p

  7. Mr Bee can haz a lock of my hair, does that count? I'd be weirded out if he did want one though :o


    Mmm, I see. Do science! Science is win! You can kill yourself with it! :o How long more till you start stalking colleges anyway?



  8. My old tapir was commonly known as "Ketot" which was a corruption of cathode, which er...


    Something to do with cathodes being smaller than anodes?


    And then I learn in Living Skills that LED cathodes actually look bigger? :/

  9. Nay sir, I am looking at the tiger cubs. They are cute and fuzzy <3


    At this time, in this place, anarchy is the only viable way forward that I can see. We need change, and anarchy is how we will get there!

  10. Nay, sir. I am a slave of truth.


    Uh, why are you online? Aren't you supposed to be in school?

  11. Nineeeeeeeeeeer! It's confirmed, I'm going to Aussie next year!


    Assuming I don't fail the exam in July though. Ahem.

  12. Niner spams me too:P He totally should add this to my post count, so that I can, like, get this AWESOME custom title!


    Do I sound bimbo enough? :D


    Hehe, thanks Niner. You cheated, didn't you?xD

  13. No electricity?:p Hee, I'm a person who thoroughly appreciates the comforts of civilization.


    I never found out what AFAIK stands for:P Oh dear, I can't even imagine what those letters are supposed to sound like :lol: I suppose it's a matter of whether or not you're exposed to it; I don't suppose you would be able to differentiate between Chinese dialects? :p

  14. No idea :3 It had honey in it, but I can't tell you more than that.


    Splash Mountain in Orlando is cruel--when the doors crack open, a cheery voice says "What goes up, must come down!" Those Disney people are EVIL under their sunny dispositions >.> Haha, you're still young! You've seen way more of USA than I have, at any rate!


    Long flights=do not want. I'm not claustrophobic, but I get edgy on long flights anyway. It probably has to do with how stuffy the air is. I feel like I'm suffocating :3



    Well, not yet anyway :p I have to set up a Skype account for mum first, and I'm lazy. Plus next few days are sort of busy.

  16. Notti Sabre is notti! D: Bee does not engage in dodgy activities! And yesh, date was good :p


    Hee, it is PURE fluff :lol:

  17. Of course, presuming you know how to speak the native language, you can get by in most places without English:P I'm not sure about other courses, but I know that medicine is standardized in English in several countries:/ Upon reflection, most of those seem to be former British colonies, but what the hey:P Don't need math now either xD


    So do you like math and/or are good at it?:p

  18. Of course:P Refer to Devon for more details on how well-behaved I am:P


    Yesh, the tapir wuvs him. My daddy just has that aura which makes doggies and tapirs alike fawn over him.

  19. Oh so that's what it is! :o It's really cute, even if I didn't know wth it is:P


    Congrats to your cousin! Hehe, I do hope I will :p Take care and ttyl!

  20. Oh, I forgot my Christmas wishlist!

    1. World peace (heh, beauty pageant, anyone?)

    2. Laptop (am getting one :x)

    3. Zara shopping spree (probably not)

    4. A unguiltifier. You could make a fortune if you invented one of those!


    How about you?

  21. Oh, I think I've seen clips! And even that song done in WoW, lol. The singing minotaur things cracked me up xD


    Shall return to Mass Effect now, hehe.

  22. Oh, I'm sure that it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that we're fellow Orientals, and everything to do with my holiday mysteriously coinciding with yours.


    *shifty look*


    Oh, where's Kapalua? An island, I presume? Can I haz Inyri pics?

  23. Oh, that's great! Moar participants=better! Inyri chose a great topic, but I'll have to see--thus far I have two ideas, one of which is soppy and sad, while the other is funny and doesn't make much sense ;D


    Hehe, yeah, I know what you mean. I probably should have written everything before posting, but I can be impatient ;P That's good advice.


    Well, it really began as a snippet based on a twisted idea I had while studying. Then I showed it to a few people and they were all "BEE WHERE DID THAT COME FROM??". So now I have to write tons and tons of context just for that idea! *dies*



    Thanks hams <3 How have you been?

  25. Ooh log cabin! How was it? :)


    Indeed it does! I'm afraid I really can't distinguish between most European languages. I love the part about "my ancestors could have picked a sunnier place to live" and "tramline 3 smells of pee". :lol:

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