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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Sorry to re-post so soon: I'm off for now and awhile, but I made actually a couple explorative threads--Knock yourself out.


    The Japanese feudal market points I wanted to get into will have to go in your right and religion economics thread later I suppose.

  2. Sorry, but I prefer to become acquainted with people before they send me a friend request. Not to be mean or nothin' but it just comes across as creepy.


    Maybe once you're a little more well known to both the community and to myself generally out in the forum I'll accept.

  3. Sort of. I go to a college club and study, or visit the local or regional dojos from time to time. A Sensei comes around here and there only informally to the college club. I put around here and there.


    The "7 lightsaber forms" though ALL inclusive of every sword from, actually is primarily based upon the 7 long sword forms of the Katana. But yeah, here and there. I also read about it.


    You do it too?

  4. Sorta. 'Cept, he took a minute to get mad. It's so odd the way he went into shock. Like a delayed reaction or something. :jester1:


    Maybe spring a polyamorous marriage thread on ahto. That way it isn't as serious?

  5. T_T I has a sad. Children are a form of birth control.


    My D is sad...cuz...you made me mad you big floppy fish, you! (if you get the reference)

  6. Takes a crimson infernus for a spin through Liberty City with monkey as passenger. Commits drive-by-fling-doodie on (insert annoying person you don't like here).


    Do you catch a video and post it to youtube?

  7. Talk to Totenkopf about ED.


    While we're at it talk to SD Nihil about him as well (referring to my prior mention of unethical behavior). In advance: My take on it is that while little harm was done to anything/anyone except his own ego, such a lie is still wrong for just so many reasons. Just talk to SD Nihil about it, and tell him I sent you. I wager you'll be enlightened, if a bit unsurprised.

  8. Tell ya what, our differences haven't been enough to make us go at one anothers' throats in Kavar's or otherwise (not a fan of politics eh? Me neither--no more than I have to)...


    Welcome to the club--just remember I'm an ignorant yank. :p

  9. Temari starts walking by wearing fishnet 2 piece and really skimpy pink bathing suit. Her usual shoes.


    "Naruto? You're a hobo now?" <Runs away laughing>

  10. Temari: well, now that was a rude awakening.

    Shikamaru: You're telling me. Let's shower.



    ----chef brian...I've heard that name....isn't that the el shive artist?


    I gotta get back there soon.

  11. Thank you.


    Sorry I have taken so long--I haven't forgotten. I'm just not always able to make it here onto lucasforums. After this, though, I am uploading to somewhere else. Chanz was right, manually filling a request can be a pain.


    Look for a title that says "Sciamao's -----------" where hyphon dashes are what the mod is in the subject lines...

  12. Thanks. Merry Christmas pal.


    ...say, why is it in UK they call it happy christmas whereas it is merry christmas

    in USA? I just wondered. :)


    Happy solstice and Chanukah and all that other great stuff. Happy new year.

  13. That it would, but you might get really bored. :)


    Besides, who's gonna lighten the mood every once in a while?

  14. That name, only has meaning for me on youtube now. :dev11:


    It is I, mandalorian.

  15. That strategy is admirable. However it gets tougher as you get older and more options become available. And unforeseen circumstances pile up.

    You like buying games once they hit the bargain bin? Not bad.

    Same thing as myself. I've bought games new, only to be disappointed.


    I'm not so much "into" Manson anymore...just sounds kind of nice...then again I know nihilists and atheists who simply cannot stand it for any reason whatsoever.


    I'll just list stuff off. How's that? :)

    Ah, radio. A respectable medium. It's as inviting for imagination and informative as reading, and yet as vibrant and dynamic as TV of older times, more-so even. (Not that dreg we see now mind you.) Tell me, are you in the slightest a conservative? I'm independent. I have conservative values. Bottom line ought to be core principles, not bottom dollar, though.

  16. That was like the clip of james earl jones voice over fun. Pretty amusing.


    I have some ideas for my more serious TOR characters, though that looks like an idea for my jackass tor characters.

  17. That was win. :D



    Check this out, it's dead sexy:





  18. That's fine. :) We never really did get too acquainted. IIRC SD Nihil introduced us.


    I don't want to be unnecessarily intrusive nor lay a bunch of $*** on you. I may not be sure if I want to continue up with my studies of Shaolin Kung Fu but I am getting to know their philosophy from a book published by one of few Americans to gain the title of grandmaster. It helped me so I figure help others the way he helped me. I'll help you as best I can since you seem to be having a similar trouble now that I once had. It will be challenging for me, but I want to do this.

  19. That's the first of Goth ballade I've ever heard. :lol: Almost love sick or something. But still, very good. I could list off a whole lot of groups in goth, black and death metal, but meh... After some time I need a break from repetitive pounding insanity, a little music and melody along with the juice.


    Used to listen to shock, like manson.

  20. The Iran thread in kavar's is heating up. As is the conflict. :p


    Yea, so far as hotels like that...well damn.

  21. There are actually several ways of going about that. Kipkay on youtube has one with the blu-ray violet laser diodes, or you can get one of a different wavelength for the same purpose.


    Then of course you can buy them, like a blue spyder 3 laser, roughly the size of a flashlight (do make sure you get safety glasses and treat the device like you would a gun).


    I also have an "SSY-1" Nd:YAG solid state laser. These were once rangefinders for our military. You can buy them from ebay (from chad andersen of andersen lasers) or meredith insturments. Neat little pulsed laser. There probably is a video on YT.


    Then they only get bigger from there.

  22. Think of it this way, at least it doesn't screw the pooch on canon. I suspect the darkside alternate scenario will be similar in that it fills the precondition of Darth Bane: Path of destruction. Revan was ultimately redeemed to the light side. This has been so since 2006.


    In a way this does link to the kotor games in a significant way and concludes it here. This is probably a/the pivotal point.

  23. This looks like a thread that will catch on fire:




    Interesting, VERY... it conerns Mac buying out Twitter and EA...

  24. This time I make a comment in my own profile FTW!!!


    Now for a little entertainment b/c I am win:(This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)



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