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Darth Avlectus

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Everything posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Who the hell does he think he is? Grumpy fat dude. His own dog raped him. (Yeah, I *saw* that episode) :barf:


    Where in the hell did he find a mummy? Or get that sports racecar? Does he ever wear anytihng else? WTF?

  2. Yeh? Not too tired to play poke the cow. To the point of Meatwad getting pissed off about it. And Fry telling y'all to knock it the feck off.


    Carl...HAH! Don't even get me started.

  3. What are you, sensitive? That ain't the master shake I know of. :smirk2: The master shake I know of is a put-upon wisecracker. lawl

  4. Meh, why get into all that cliqueish bull$#^* of what's 'better than' this or that? No point to it.

  5. Yeah, this is my bar. Shut up and drink. :devsmoke::D

  6. Aqua teens hunger force kicks ass! Nuff said. :devsmoke:

  7. Sort of. Sort of not...

  8. Your turn. Hope you like mine. :devsmoke:

  9. Yeah, I may be old but I'm not too old to show you young wimpersnappers a thing or two. :smirk2:

  10. Why thank you fellow journeyer of life!


    I'll come back in awhile. See how much love or hate I have on it. :xp:

  11. Thanks. I am now 106 according to LF. :xp:

  12. You're welcome. Kurtwood is a funny guy. I agree.

  13. Well if I wasn't in such a predicament myself, I might even motivate myself to get fully trained and come out there for ya. :D


    I considered electrical engineering, but I'm not sure anymore that I'm cut out for it.

  14. BTW, that's awesome you are an electronics engineer.

  15. I don't blame you for not being up on Warcraft--kind of an offshoot or other wing to Blizzard entertainment's StarCraft. World of Warcraft is just an MMO. Nothing *particularly* special. Kinda like Age of Empires, or other similar games. Strategy economy simulation with war time.

  16. Damn buddy, how often do you change your av? 2-3 times a month? :)

  17. *Whips out "toy" from San Andreas*


    C'mere! :dev11:

  18. *Shotgun blasts naruto repeatedly*


    Insolent PUP!

  19. Why don't you come and play with us up tha the forum games?




    We're so lonely. :dev8:

  20. Try me, small fry.


    "I dare ya, I DOUBLE dare ya motha-****a"

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