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Darth Avlectus

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Everything posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. You inspired me to have a red AV last cycle through as well.

  2. Now that you're a senior member you can aggrivate other members with your title. :dev11:

  3. Hey, dude, why ain't you accepting PM right now?

  4. How you doin' lately?

  5. No, not really. :lol: Just venting b/c I'd rather see the guy get smashed upside the grill with a bottle of Old English 800. But I guess throwing him in jail will do.

  6. While I'm still figuring it out, gotta hand it to ya. Thank you for making such a cool tool. Be well!

  7. Exile's armored robes--which reminds me I need to send to Canderis.

    T-101 Darth Sion for K2.

    A whole buncha sciamano mods.

    "Heart of the Force" which actually can be downloaded from lucasfiles--caution though as none of the crystals can be used in a double bladed lightsaber or a short lightsaber.


    ....Check my blog, I have a list...Gusee it's time 4 me 2 to put up or shut up.

  8. Remember how you told me you might know which mod was the "blue visas"? Well, I looked through my mod collection and discovered it was my lightside visas mod I picked up back in PCGM. When she is light sided her robes/clothes turn a light sky blue--if a tad dull and shaded. Not like the burgundy red she normally has is all that vibrant anywas. :D



  9. No, but it could be...your outhouse, old man. :dev9:

  10. No I'm medium sized. With a long reach. I'm 5'8" but my reach is 6'1"--maybe even 6'2". I've grown a little bit but I don't think I have much left at all. Length and height wise. My reach got me paired up with the tallest guy in the class, a middle aged guy who was 6'4" but real skinny. Or my expereince got me paired with the overall biggest guy.


    I've not done MA tournaments.


    I have done SCA fencing tournaments, but the people are so arrogant I nearly got kicked out for putting one of the jerks in place outside of swordsmanship conduct. Yeah...some displaced ribs are inevitable. :rolleyes:

  11. Club, meh, mostly anime club attendees, or some people in the japanese class. It is close to the same, but it's rather unsaid.

  12. Well, there is inner and outer circle in some dojos. I'd say I am outer for most. Some are glad. A student or two has come with me to fencing meets.


    The club is more than happy to have me, though. If only they would hold another meeting. Done since late 2007 off and on. A little sloppy now.


    I fenced w/ rapier...not the light ones for olympics (foil), the heavier or medium ones (hard to wrist-breaking). I did some saber dueling as well. Off and on since late 2004/early 2005.


    My MA career...varies. I've actually been in more fights in my youth. Occsionally spar my pals in the woods.


    Apparently previous experience shows in classes you take. I took a basic self defense of ken-po in college. I learned a lot form it. However, most the classmates noticed I was..."very inclined" to put it simply. My long reach for my size got me paired up with large opponents in the classes. Not bragging.

  13. Ah yes, mister Miyamoto Musashi. Book of five rings. Excellent indeed!


    Well the dojos I go to are actually for other martial arts that have some practitioning kendo. I'm a bit above wannabe, but not quite what I'd call "included". Never learned the names of the forms or (much) history on it--soon to change :D, but I have done (painful) dueling and sparring, practiced forms, meditated, and stuff like that. Nice to include with prior knowledge of fencing too.

  14. Yeah, murderizing that lawyer in his fancy shmancy bug tower office. My personal fav is using a Hi-pow shotgun and turning him upside down in his seat. I didn't bother with all the escalator crap--too much heat that way, Instead I just shot out the back window, took the 2 story fall and landed next to my car where I strategically parked it and took off while all the idiots were on the other side of the building and the radius was near the edge at my point by now...I got away without incident. :dev9:


    I don't have LIVE! or else I'd go and get a few things to expand on my GTA4. Also I'd probably love going up against that crazy mother****er in multiplayer mode NOBUNAGA (youtube GTA4 nobunaga).

  15. Sort of. I go to a college club and study, or visit the local or regional dojos from time to time. A Sensei comes around here and there only informally to the college club. I put around here and there.


    The "7 lightsaber forms" though ALL inclusive of every sword from, actually is primarily based upon the 7 long sword forms of the Katana. But yeah, here and there. I also read about it.


    You do it too?

  16. Why not make a new thread in Kavar's? That is worthy of an entire thread alone. ...Just a suggestion of course.

  17. Hey, just wanna say you impress the ever living hell outta me in the hydro thread. C'ya round.

  18. Ehh, I looked in the hydrogen thread after, like, forever...that car discussion between me and Bimmer...was that part of the major ad-hoc-ing going on? :dev8:


    My bad. :lol:

  19. Oh man, I commented in my own profile...Ok you won since I changed my avy.


    Have any skyscrapers you want knocked down via an RPG? The benjamion special!

  20. Meh, why not. Already had Sam earlier this year--funny thing I'll PM you with...

  21. Well, I suppose I could just keep Red around, but the 11th is coming up. There is always a question of what next. I could use one of the posted unused AV pics or something new. :dev9:

  22. Nice one. .......And while you're at it, G'nite ...and don't let all the bedbugs...put their feet up your ass! :lol:

  23. Wish all you want, dumbass. You're going to be wishing it wasn't and that it hasn't been, once my foot is in your ass for the 50th time.

  24. Yea. You might actually be better off buying HL2 or orange box for PC, buying GMOD, and going that way--though it will still require modelling and animations and all that to be done for truly custom stuff. Course it does a lot of stuff that...well, I'm not so sure we should talk about out in the open. :dev9:


    Anyhow, yeah, I think there is a mod that has a female form to Revan's Robes. Look around.

  25. Yes, you had kind of mentioned in a thread about why there was no female Revan robes mod wearable in the game. I believe that has already been done. The only thing I think you could do is make your own skin texture and model...and perhaps in the process incorporate the 10s of thousands of animations for it. Sounds like a lot, but I'd say if you really want it, go for it.


    Honestly for TSL, I wouldn't bother unless it is really worth it to you to do for the vision of Darth Revan-dependent on dialog of course choice. Or those mods where Exile can wear revan's robes. (Something kind of off about that story wise--just my opinion)...or maybe an Exile's robes and mask? I'd go for that.

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