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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. "I'm gonna blow dis motha ****kah up!"

  2. "My will shall not be eroded so easily! The power of burger world flows through me!"

  3. (M-T yer mailbox plz as I have something kinda important)

  4. (This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)

  5. *Comes out all charred like Vader* *Emperor Jerkface pulls up with a medical crew and ignites lightsaber*

  6. *grabs Tot's hand before he can pull it away due to years of fight exp and lands a kick where it counts*

  7. *Hack uses smart RPG and blows you to hell*

  8. *I collapse and respawn outside Vice city hospital good as new!*

  9. *Jerkface died, I rose from the dead looking like Sion.* *Whips out "purple toy"* *Chasing you for a beat down*

  10. *Monkey dodge* Monkey charge capacitor in camera stolen from stupid tourist. Monkey heave!

  11. *poke-poke* Still breathing, or should I call the morgue? :devsmoke:

  12. *poke* *poke* Is it still alive?

  13. *Sees you and grooves in your direction knowing full well you will be disgusted:dev11:*

  14. *Summons Hack Benjamin from Big M$ney Hustlas to blow you to hell*

  15. <Bleh> That's some good shtuff.


  17. <sigh> Looks like 1/6th of our economy is soon to be a partition of our government. The vie for power at a painfully slow and obvious pace continues. And our dear friend is veering ever farther left.

  18. I'm so hawt my comments practically make themselves in my profile. :naughty:

  19. 10 posts from that 3,000 mark there, buddy. ;)

  20. AAAAH! You changed your name?! :lol:

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