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Chevron 7 locke

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Everything posted by Chevron 7 locke

  1. I already asked her


    Feelinga ny better Endo?

  2. If it invloves me getting killed in some way I promise you, my imagination will find a way out

  3. Just out of curiosity...what is the next phase of the mission? I really don't want my character ending up as an undead if that's your sick little plan

  4. I have been sick for nearly two weeks now. I've been coughing, I have had a runny nose, and I threw up for the first week.


    What about you?

  5. *Stops drooling* Of course...Of course...

    What are you sick with by the way?

  6. Yes...good ole seven indeed...*starts drooling*

  7. I saw that one...That's the one where she's hallucinating the alien right?

  8. That sir...was uncalled for. Blowing out my tires indeed!

  9. Especally the ones that have borg ships caught in them...borg ships make me laugh when they go "Boomith"

  10. Your right...you did spell B'elanna wrong:lol: But I thought voyager was ok...I did like all the explosions

  11. Hey CQ, I read a sad sad NaruHina story at around 10:00 and I haven't been able to stop crying, what's new with you?

  12. Hey Endo. what's new? so...your watching star trek voyager huh? The series suck until the first fight with the borg, then it gets interesting

  13. Thanks for commenting on my Naruto story.

  14. Yeah. Good night Yar-El

  15. In case you have't noticed, you are still out cold on my TARDIS

  16. A very valiant attempt my dear Yar-El

  17. The situation is on the verge of hopelessness if I have to be the responsible one

  18. I had to be the responsible one this time. the powah in that vortex...it would have had dramatic effects on the future if you had touched it. there are somethings even i won't mess with

  19. Thank the lord for that

  20. You need to get better

  21. So...I have to have my story done by midnight? I can't do that! I'm talking from my friends computer right now!

  22. it's time to do with happy blaster/shotgun dance!

  23. hehehehehehe...your plan shall not succed

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