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Chevron 7 locke

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Everything posted by Chevron 7 locke

  1. Hey Tys, I'm sorry I haven't been posting in Check and mate recently. I was waiting on someone so if it's alright with you could I just move Juhani outside the ship near your character?

  2. Hey Shana, I was just wondering if you were still going to go through with the second part of Magical Strike Force S.

  3. That might work. Since CQ left I thought we could use a new Grand Admiral until he comes back. but if you want to deploy the weapon that works as well.

  4. Still waiting for Sethos to show up. Then I shall make my move.:D

  5. Indeed. :D Long time no speak. :)


    What's new with you?

  6. Hey Tys, I think I'm going to edit my post so that Juhani is heading to Perdante's quarters if thats alright with you. I'll talk to Visas later. Also, I kind of forgot where Atton currently is.

  7. Hey Cyborg, I don't mean to bug you or anything like that. But I'm waiting on you in Shinobi before I make my next move.

  8. Hey Tys, are you still in Check and Mate? And I have a question for you. Should I edit my post so that Juhani is heading for Perdante's quarters instead of trying to intercept Visas?

  9. I took a look at it and it does look interesting :) I'll give it some thought.

  10. Still with us in Shinobi? I was going to have Karela talk to Yoroi about a certain subject. :)

  11. Hey Shana, is there any chance I could persuade you to return to Battle Suit utopia if it's still alive? And I also have a question for you via PM when I get the chance to send it. :)

  12. It looks like it's Takeda's time to shine. :D By the way...are you planning off killing Takai once and for all anytime soon?

  13. Of course. :D Juhani was just being protective of visas. I was going to reveal that later but there's no harm in doing so. :)

  14. Hey Tys, no one seems to be noticing that Juhani is having a bit of a rough time. Do you think perdante can fix that?

  15. Oh...nothing much. :) Just a bit bored.

  16. Yes I am. :D Just waiting for Sethos to show up so I can fight him. :D

  17. Got it. I was going to have Juhani say that she was having visions or dreams of Revan being tortured somewhere along with the exile.

  18. Hey Tys, I just had a quick question. Will either Revan or the Exile be showing up in Check and Mate? I was going to do a post that related to them but I figured I should ask you first.

  19. Hey Tys, is my latest post in Endgame alright? If it's not I can edit it.

  20. Hey Tys, I edited my post in the casting call so that one of my characters will be heading after the leader of the found and the other((Atton)) will be going after the Politician.

  21. So...how is Darth Pestilus going to try and get to Alriana? She really doesn't have any ties to this century.

  22. She's in the temple right now. How were you planning on meeting her?

  23. Yes I did. :) And sure, its fine if Juhani meets Meleny.

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