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Chevron 7 locke

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Everything posted by Chevron 7 locke

  1. I'll send you a PM I have with some ideas. :D I'm really looking forward to working with you on this :)

  2. Oh, I'm interested :D What sort of story did you have in mind?

  3. If I may ask, how long do you want the battle between Varith and Darth Inferna to last?

  4. I had one in mind. It's a suprise though. :)

  5. Think I could persuade you to post in the Rising darkness? Right now I'm waiting on you. :)

  6. Hey Skywalker, I saw that you were a bit lost in the Shinobi Rp. Right now, everyone is in the hidden leaf village waiting for the next mission. :)

  7. Nope :) I was actually planning on him escaping and heading towards one of the sith ships. it is there that he gets captured by the sith.


    Did you have a different idea? I'd love to hear it. :)

  8. Just out of curiosity, are you planning on starting up the second Magical Strike Force S? I'd really like to bring Kai back. :)

  9. That sounds like an awsome idea. :) Any idea when this encounter should take place?

  10. I have no doubt your Rp will be awsome. :) Looking forward to Rping with you again. :D

  11. Glad to see you back. :D As for me...been a bit busy.(As always) And I think it would be awsome if you came up with another Rp. I always look forward to your Rps. :)

  12. Hey Shana, :) Long time no see. How's it been going?

  13. Hey BFA, long time no see. :) Hows it going?

  14. Think you could check out my new story in the CEC? I'd really like it if you left your thoughts on it. :)

  15. Think I can persuade you to return to the Rising Darkness? I was going to skip to the hidden leaf village after your posted. :)

  16. If I may ask, when were you planning on introducing Kaneda in the Rising Darkness?

  17. Alright...hmmm. I'll take another look at it. :) As for Tavaryn's age...I was looking through the previous RP casting calls and couldn't find his age or any pictures of him. I was thinking of pairing Alriana up with someone but I haven't decided who yet.

  18. Sorry, but I haven't even played Mass Effect. I don't think I would be very good in the Rp. :(


    But if I may ask...do you know how old Tavaryn is?

  19. Think you could post in the rising darkness when you have a chance?

  20. Now that it seems your back, would like to take over the role of Velerc and Akagi again? :)


    And if not, do you think you could PM me what you had planned for Velerc?

  21. There's been a bit of interaction, I was actually going to increase the interaction between the two of them during the time between a Glimmer of Hope and wrath of the empire.


    I was just going to have them be good friends if thats alright with you.

  22. Did you get my latest PM?


    Also...what would you think if I changed my name?

  23. Hey Alkonium, just so you know I added another character to the next Sith Resurrection.

  24. If you want to you can leave the trial out. Now that I think about it your idea is a bit better then the one I had in mind.

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