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Everything posted by redrob41

  1. perhaps it's something that is saved or changed during level loading, or a global variable. It seems to be dependant on where you are in the story. Anyway, you'll need to change it to =1 or =3 for the modified models.

  2. I have no idea, but the variable you'll need to change is CurSithLord. If you do a search for it, you should find something useful. I know I've mentioned it to you a few times, but that could have been a couple of years ago now.... Man we've been working on this a long time :lol:

  3. slowly. There are quite a lot of 'em ;) so far I've got screenshots of Asian through Kiffar (I'm doing them alphabetically). I was just about to start the Miraluka, but I have to re-do my save games with the editor (I have to make sure that they can wear head gear). Once I've got all the screenies, it shouldn't take long to make a single portrait each.


    I thought that I already sent you the mainmenu.mdls for the witches, but I could be mistaken. I'll re-e-mail them to you tonight. They will work with the textures that I've already sent you. The tricky part for you, will be to script the changes to swkotor.ini so that the proper main menu gets used.

  4. I sent you a zip file over at Deadly Stream :D

  5. I sent you an e-mail late last night. It was for the Legal info screen image.

  6. Hmm, your screen name gets kinda confusing along side the RoR logo. It looks like the character (the cannon Exile) from TSL has something to do with RoR. I wonder, is there anything else that I could add, just to differentiate JediExile (the modder) from the Jedi Exile (the character)?

  7. sure, I can make an animated sig for you, similar to Logan's if you like. Or was there something a little different that you had in mind?

  8. how large do you need it? So far, I've only made them for a resolution to match the game's default logo. http://www.lucasforums.com/picture.php?albumid=557&pictureid=5647


    If you need something larger, I'll have to re-work it from scratch. The "RR" background and the white text for "Revenge of Revan" can be done nice and crisp, but the standard "Kotor" logo part will be upscaled and might get a bit blurry. I could sharpen it, but it might not work out nice. I can also re-scan it from box art.


    Let me know whatcha need :D


    Edit: oh yeah, I can also separate out the different elements depending on what you're gonna use it for.

  9. yeah, I just gave that a listen, pretty impressive :D. I think that the comments so far are pretty accurate (regarding Drayen/Bao-Dur, Bastilla reverb). Still, it's a huge step in the right direction.


    I'm still having problems with my 3ds max, 'cause it wouldn't let me export my latest edit of the Chancellor. I can e-mail you her latest skins though, if you need to re-do her cutscene.

  10. I went out of town to visit my nephew for his 4th birthday this weekend. We had a fun time, but I forgot my jacket (with my house keys) at my dad's place. They all came to my place yesterday to drop it off. Instead of visiting with my sister and dad, my nephew and I watched Shrek 4 and hid from ghosts and flew like MetroMan. He's a fun kid.


    modding is slow, but I touched up the skins for the Chancellor last night after everyone left. I'll try to get to the model tonight. Did you get that PM I sent about her? Any thoughts about it?

  11. hey, do you know of an iPhone app that can edit .doc files AND has a spell checker built in? So far, the best app I can find is Quickoffice, since it can open and edit .docs, but id doesn't have a spell checker. I'm ok at spelling, but an automated checker always helps.


    I was thinking that if you have dialog files typed up in .doc, then I could try editing them (for spelling, grammar) while I'm riding the bus to and from work. Of course, that'd only be for the ones that are finished, not the ones that are still being written.

  12. I was actually thinking along the same lines. There's a local technical school here that just started teaching an iPhone\iPad app development certificate (http://www.nait.ca/18480.htm). The downside is that it is a series of 7hr/2day courses (8 total for 112hrs of instruction) that usually takes place during business hours. I'd have to take time off work to do them. For now, I think I'll try getting started with a "How to" book or two.


    Send me a Facebook private message if you wanna talk about art for your project :)

  13. Hey, I'm trying out posting with my iPhone. I just got one this week, so I'm still seeing how it does things.

  14. Yay, I can actually test my mods in-game again. I had to delete all my old save games, and start a new one, but I can start taking screenies now. Ah, the fun of setting up new computers with old software :ugh:


    Anyway, I should be able to make some updated screenies of Chancellor Cinn, Witches, and the Sith mech (soon, after I make an eyepiece). Then I'll start on some title screens.

  15. Can't wait to see his final outfit :D


    so, where are we gonna release it? Are you able to log into File Front yet? I noticed that the PotD is over a week old. That'd be a real downer if you guys can't back in there :(

  16. slow. I keep thinking that I should get my act together, and build my own website for all my art. I'd probably be able to host my mods on it too, and that's the kind of portfolio Bioware want's to see these days.


    How much does your web host charge? I don't mind paying for one, if I was also selling painting or something on it, but, for free mods and such, I wouldn't want to pay too much per year.

  17. say, how's the website coming along?

  18. sounds like you had a good time :D

  19. Hey, I sent you an e-mail re: JUhani ;). Could you forward it to Quanon? Thx

  20. you're back from GDC? Not much is new; I just got 3DSmax working correctly (I think), so I might be able to start working on models again. I tried releasing a mod for K1 that would establish Bendak's armour, which will show up again in RoR (but File Front has been having issues for a month, so no download link yet).


    I saw Battle: LA this weekend, and it was a pretty good movie. It's not gonna win any best picture awards, but it was a fun flick to watch.

  21. Hey Q, I've been having problems with my shiny new 3DSMax. I can't export. I started a thread here: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?p=2769750#post2769750


    I figure that you're a max guru, so maybe you'd be able to help me out?

  22. Hey SA, how're you doing? What'cha working on these days? Are you making Dragon Age or Mass Effect mods? Are you still working on your K1 Enhancement mod?

  23. so, are you getting ready for GDC?

  24. I sent some e-mail. I haven't tested the model in-game, so could you please send me back some screen shots? Thanks.

  25. did you get the e-mail I sent you yesterday?


    Oh hey, look at that. Happy Birthday j7.

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