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Mandalore The Shadow

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Everything posted by Mandalore The Shadow

  1. Good not single anymore. Hows life for you?

  2. I'm not bad eather happy though

  3. you dont really join you just participate

  4. Yeah mabey but good job anyway

  5. I would but i don't have that geme for the computor and ive never modded it before sorry

  6. Congrats I'm jelous of your badge

  7. nice thank you kind sir

  8. could you hook me up with a link?

  9. Can you tell me where you got the hayabusa shoulder for your commando?

  10. QUOTE:I am studying for the PSAT


    Dosen't the P stand for Practice?

  11. How long is Scav out?

  12. I like it its cool but as for me i dont know mando is cool but if you have another that is better ex: Te Jetiise Mand'alor or something like that

  13. yeah I was gonna change my name too but I don't know what I should change it to

  14. its too dark but thanks anyway

  15. Well they nerfed my posts and I wiped my profile for a while

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