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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. I am trying to work out the triggers for these 2 events where party members fight? only DS Exile? only if not Jedifide?

  2. Hey i place your pm over at the Deadlysteams forums , which there is a thread for roR VO work

  3. hey, i need a way to reach you. What is the best way so i can keep you in a loop? yahoo chat? msn messager? something in real time. Even if it was txt message on phone....respond in PM.


    Oh just got three samples of RoR music theme from the composer.

  4. Hey, what new!

  5. Hey, hows the space station going?

  6. usually that does not happen, but ever so often it does

  7. i sent you a message over at deadly streams

  8. Hey hows the info coming do you have the files ready for me?

  9. I was thinking can you merge the NPc witch's head with another item or object to help with the horns?

  10. Yup, it is =)

  11. Im right now jusg adding more placeable in 3-4 of the modules to help create a better atmosphere. Im looking at thursday to give out for testing since i know during week its hard for everyone to test due to work and or class, so taken the next day or two to add more dlg and placeable for mood. :-)

  12. Hey, when do you think you will be able to send the eye cover for the blind ones?


    I will soon be sending you the next build. =)

  13. Let me know what you Skype name is and when do you guys talk? I'm in pacific time

  14. Hey hows it going?


    I will be sending you some more lines this week.

  15. Hey, you ever played using the USM mod?

    Asking, because just wondering since the saber's i'm creating seem to have the color blad but no color crystal when i go to upgrade? if i click the vancant color crystal area-games crashes??


    You know how a new uti saber can be made and have it so it will hold the saber crystal when made?



  16. Hey thanks for the stuff and the Awesome new Sig.

    I saw your Redrob41 sig, very nice!!


    I e-mailed you back and thanks for getting the videos uploading on moddb site

  17. There will be timea when interacting in real time will best. How do you think we can do that?

  18. Are you using an english version of kotor2?


    Where does the game get stuck when you click icon to activate game?

  19. Thanks!

    I also have my presentation today,..if i hear crickets in the audience...i will say come on its my birthday lol

  20. Hey, downloaded the client but it stopped and i have a message:

    There is currently no active subscription on this account

    Activate account here


    When I click the "here" link it send me to a page that says either im not able to view or its not present?

  21. I added you to the share list for the video, check the youtube message. Also subscribe to my youtube so i can find you easier.


    FYI VOs will be going to starting heavy in late Aug =)

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