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Everything posted by Rev7

  1. Yes.


    I like the SSPP because of the ideas that they hold dear. They represent the positive change that Ahto needs. Darthy/Wiggin hold the key to the change that we so desperately need.

    "We of the SSPP stand for CHANGE, for HOPE and fore a bright dawn on the world of tomorrow, while always remembering our past. We will throw off the shackles of what bound us, and rejoice in what liberated us. We believe that we must move forward, not backward. Upward, not forward. And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!"


    Plus, there is no speak of any dictatorship in this party, unlike all of the others. Dictatorship is not something that we need.


    SSPP '08

    You know it makes sense.

  2. It is very fun. I am doing good. Just got home from school....not much homework, thank God. :lol:

  3. Yes my good sir.


    Our numbers are increasing exponentially

  4. I do believe that we are gaining momentum.

  5. picture.php?albumid=266&pictureid=2295


    Change. I urge you to become a supporter of the Darthy/Wiggin '08 party. They hold the very key to the ever so precious box of CHANGE.


    You credentials are quite flawed by the way. Blarg hardly permits you to become a personal body guard of Sithy. Try some martial arts classes. ;)

  6. Ender




    ...I don't know who else to invite...

  7. Ender




    ...I don't know who else to invite...

  8. Yeah, I don't have Skype...

  9. http://lucasforums.com/group.php?groupid=1


    I got a YouTube account and made my first video! Check it out!

  10. I think that we should have a private Social Group to discuss the campaign.


    What do you think...?

  11. Thank you.



  12. Why yes, good sir.

  13. Very nice. Glad to be on board.

  14. This is some fun stuff.





  15. I do know that it makes sense.


    So far, you have my vote. ;)

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