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Everything posted by Rev7

  1. Very nice, very nice.

  2. I am good. My day went well, as it normally does. You?

  3. I take it back.


    However, Jesus Christ came along.

  4. I don't like how you set me up with that question.




    I am done for tonight

  5. "Yeah, and do you agree with what the Bible says in the verses I quoted? I demand an answer on this."

    I like how you set me up on this one. Yes, simple question--I do not condone what what it has said.

  6. Sorry. Things have been going pretty fast there...

  7. Am I saying something that is not comprehendable?

  8. Good.


    It is really sad what is happening...America really will be changed, and from what I think...it isn't gonna be good...

  9. who were you wanting to be president?

  10. Yes, I am.


    Thank you. :)

  11. if you have any free time feel free to go for it!

  12. Rev7

    May I ask which state?


    Good to hear that you have some new friends.

  13. Awesome. I need to make a christian avatar. Will have to do that some time. :)

  14. Rev7

    Ah so you moved. Did you move out of your city?

  15. Rev7

    I am good. You?

  16. I like the new avatar and signature. :)

  17. Oh wow. You should, I can't wait for more.

  18. That is good to hear. Ya, school really does take up a lot of your time, unfortunately. Learning is good for the brain though. :)


    That is really unfortunate. He can be passionate about things sometimes. We all can. I don't blame him on this one though, I am also quite unhappy that there is going to be a TOR instead of a KotOR...but hey, what can we do?

  19. BURNSEYY!!!


    How have ya been, I haven't talked to you in a while! School has been back up for quite a while and I have been really busy with it. So how is life goin' for ya??


    Ya, do you know why Darth_Yuthura was banned?...

  20. Congrats on your new title. :golfclap:

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