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Wedge Suron

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Personal Information

  • Biography
    Ask and find out.
  • Location
    Commanding the Justice
  • Interests
    Writing all kinds of stories, not just Star Wars
  • Occupation
    IT assistant
  • Current Game
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Star Wars KOTOR
  • Resolution
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Contact Information

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Wedge Suron's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi there, how is ROR going? I haven't heard anything recently.

  2. hey Trex, how's life?

  3. wow, it's a real shame, you were the best. I loved the youtube channel.

  4. Honestly, I don't remember what causes bugs and such in the KOTOR games anymore since I haven't played them in about 6 years.

  5. Hello Shem. I know that you might not remember me, but do you remember the TSL Robe stat boost Mod. You told us that using the Corpse in the morgue was a bad idea. Well, this mod also uses that corpse. I know that the user that created it might not be around any longer, but I thought you might want to know.



  6. Hey Trex, can I ask how to get apprentices in 2.0 Beta?


    Edit 04-09-2013: Found out how

  7. Hey Trex, I can't download any of your files on your website.

  8. That is okay good to know people put the effort in, even if people don't care. :)

  9. yea well, I just created it to be random.

  10. Nobodys active on the Dark lords, sith followers, and sith. Whoever made them wasted their time, no offense to any one. :)

  11. sorry for not replying before. Well if I recall I loaded that savegame from an old Override folder so appearance.2da Canderous row had problems there ... :raise:


    actually I was testing the tatooed twi'lek u see there to have her as a companion for Unknown world and the rest but I never finished that mod. Well actually I did finish it but I had to cheat to play with her in my game :dozey: ... so I never uploaded that mod.


    bye :)

  12. I LOVE JAZZRABBIT! (Jazz Jackarabbit)

  13. Are you having trouble logging in lately? Cause I am.

  14. I'm a Revan fan too

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